Hello CoinDashers!
first, we apologize for the relatively quietness here, we are supper swamped in our tour and we be soon more present.
lets me answer quickly bunch of your questions:
Respond please, in occasion of writing posts, they should be placed only on the Forks branch «CoinDash - the Future of Trade - ICO in July 2017» or it is possible to write on other branches of Forki, except for one post in a week on an English-speaking branch
All posts that are counted will be those made in the original threads and in Altcoins section only.
how tow upgrade rank in signature campaign ..
We will shortly create a special form for that, once it is up your stakes will be adjusted retroactively
if I see my account in google table , does it mean, that I am in bounty?
Social media profiles have not yet been verified, and will shortly will be. all you need now is the time stamp of your registration and you are ok
Today we are going to release the Newsletter with some great material of the USA tour, stay tuned!!