Today MDT is -7 hours from UTC. On Nov. 6th of this year MDT will be -6 from UTC.
Uhh, no.
DST = Daylight Savings Time. It started on Mar 12th. So, we are in xDT time zones.
PDT (Pacific) is currently -7
MDT (Mountain) is currently -6
CDT (Central) is currently -5
EDT (Eastern) is currently -4
On November 5th, we go to Standard Time zones ( xST)
PST -8
MST -7
CST -6
EST -5
Current UTC time is (with Pacific and Mountain examples): and reasons for DST: to clear up a confusion your computer might display.... When you go to the clock to enter your time zone, it will show you Standard Time (PST for example for Pacific), but will either have a checkbox for observing daylight savings or simply do it for you based on the calendar date but will tell you that it is currently observing this change. Yes, Windows has a checkbox asking if you're in a DST zone. There are very few places that have an exception to the DST rule (like Arizona).
Term: Spring forward / Fall back
In November, it is fall. So, the clocks will fall back (extra hour of sleep). So, for MDT -6, it will change to MST -7
PDT -7 will go to PST -8
(edit: confirmation. Bitcointalk is on UTC. Time of my post was 5:25PM UTC; however, I am in Seattle (PDT -7), so it is 10:25AM for me right now.)