The only possible thing to try would be to get a couple cans of electrical contact cleaner or circuit board cleaner and hose them down to *maybe* dislodge crud. Problem is, if the boards are very old and most likely covered in fine dust then flooding them COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE if they are not pristine when done. You could very well force dirt into places it wasn't before.
And no, no how-to's beyond 'Does the red LED power lights on the board turn on?' and perhaps swapping the data cables around just to make sure it is the board(s).
BitmainWarranty in CO pretty much prefers folks don't try to fix boards themselves. I can imagine what some look like after folks ham-handedly try...
Speaking of which, had a s9 batch-13 board fail yesterday so time to send it to them.
u know how much it will cost me to repair all my hashing board i think i have 4 faulty boards..