I forever have to remind people that others are poor.
Plenty of people out there have no bank account or even a car.
As of right now.. i have neither.
Further more plenty of other countries are still developing.
Getting cars or web access to them is an ongoing issue.
What it boils down to is people who are middle class etc stuck with tunnel vision acting like the whole world is like them.
Lets be realistic, for one thing if there is money to be made in older tech it will continue to be pushed.
If there is still a demand then it will be provided at a cost.
It's sort of like idiots who think FIAT is almost about to vanish forever.
Not bloody likely in the next 100 years dumb ass's

Hey tons of people use Windows XP.
I know my old room-mate a few months back was using it.
I think the White House switched from it in 2013 i seen with a Neowin.net news story.
ATM's across the world use it.
But it doesn't stop opinionated idiots from spouting off because they "know things"