Provided you have reasonable qualifications, and your work is outstanding, I am willing to pay
0.1 BTC, in a bit of a time hurdle, and this needs to be done fairly quickly but good quality.
Google Doc: (Paper Submission)
Google Doc(2): (Paper Submission)
Paper: "Submissions should include the name of the individual submitting, the organization they represent, and the page number(s) of Ethically Aligned Design being referenced. When submitting potential issues or Candidate Recommendations, background research or resources
supporting comments should also be included. Please ensure submissions provide actionable critique (e.g., “On page X, I recommend adding the following resource”) versus opinion without clear recommendations, (e.g., “I didn’t like the Issue on page X.”)"
Message from CEO: "It would be helpful if we are to post this to have you mention why you're sending this in regards to our paper, Ethically Aligned Design to avoid confusion as the Request for Input was specifically designed for that purpose.
Again, it's a great paper, but we just need to know how you feel it relates to our paper so we aren't just posting a really smart and informed article."
The CEO did comment on the paper being outstanding in quality, however I forgot to "Ethically Aligned Design - Request for Input", to reference page numbers, and areas that would be applicable to the contents of the google doc. Anyone willing to read over the doc,
and the paper above, and to write up a paper on where the content would make sense and what to reference?
I believe these two below, being 1# as most applicable, if you find any other areas applicable let me know.
#1) Safety and Beneficence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) 49-55
#2) Embedding Values into Autonomous Intelligent Systems 22-35
Altruism over psychopathy
Altruism connected to Empathy (2nd Paper)
Empathy over efficiency