I thought my posts are not being counted because of some reason, so this is a known issue. I am missing like 9 or 10 posts, I don't know if this info can help. If it will be a manual audit, instead of a bot, I think it is better.
Manual Audit will :
*make sure posts are not spammy.
*make sure the campaign is getting the proper advertisement for what they pay.
*make sure participants do not abuse the campaign.
I can help in auditing but I do not know if I can handle 1000 profiles.
Just my thoughts.
Edit :
This is what it shows on the bot.
https://prnt.sc/fg3khqEdit 2 :
After posting here about the issue, the bot started to count my posts again. But my posts prior to posting here, did not. Hope that could be fixed to be counted.