Expensive guys,i have some query.The other day i attempted to send some ether towards the contract adress. I got the content Not able to locate Transaction admittance around the blockexplorer. I tried to transmit again the other day, but got some mistake informed i do not have enough eths for transmits, what means my balance should have been sent.Well the message Unable to find Deal entry did not change yet. Can there be any chance i'm in Ico? Or perhaps is it an unsuccessful deal? I sent by way of myetherwallet.comHope or some solutions!f
What? PIEX isn't an erc-20 token. Nor is it an ICO. Either you are on the wrong thread, or you are farming your account.
A quick look at your profile lololol
Anyways, looking forward to the swap and creation of Social Send coin. Could really be a game changer here. The team has my support.