Apparently poloniex is going to become the new CRYPTSY, I'm having a bitcoin withdrawal with more than 8 days waiting approval. I can not contact them either by ticket or otherwise since they also turned off their trollbox and I ended up discovering that several people in the same situation with pending withdrawals.
For me it is clear that there was a problem in poloniex not just a simple case of lack of staff and yes or they have lost a quantity of the bitcoins stored either for theft or are simply preparing to close and disappear from the map taking whatever is there inside.
I ask that everyone pay attention and not make high deposits I will not even operate on it until I receive my withdrawal and make sure that it will not break.
Proof is, it's a bit like Cryptsy in its late stages when only certain coins are able to be processed. Right now it seems to be completely random which withdrawals gets processed and which don't - but usually higher amounts don't get approved.
It is extremely unlikely that you'll be able to get your withdrawal approved anytime soon. I haven't heard from anyone that have actually gotten their withdrawal after more than 30 days of delays. Trollbox was sort of the last link, but that's gone as well.
I will not let this topic die or disappear from the scam section until I get a poloniex response. She's simply stealing several clients, I'm having a withdrawal waiting for manual approval of them for 12 days and they just do not respond to tickets anymore.
Good idea. Keep bumping every 24 hours for visibility, but make sure you delete the previous bumps beforehand.