https://onGcoin.ioWhat is is a block chain based social media dashboard hub that also supports community building and social interaction with cryptocurrency rewards.
Pre-ICO Valuation
OneName Global, Inc. (The parent Delaware Corporation of has a $25 Million, Pre-ICO valuation at $1.00/share, which puts us ahead of many ICO’s.
During our ICO we will issue a total of 70 Million onG Coin Tokens at a decreasing discount structure that will be posted on the site at
https://onGcoin.ioPre-sale ICO: Contact for inquiries. These are selling out fast kiddies!
We’ve been backed by IBM since 2014, because they believe in the value of our project.
Built on the Ultra-Reliable Ethereum Blockchain
Ethereum is the most versatile blockchain that is available. The ERC20 standards set a precedent for creating a token with a tested rule set, which allows onG to analyze and modify the algorithm that distributes its token while not compromising the security layer of the token itself. Pair this with Ethereum’s incredible growth without compromising stability and you have a winning partner in the blockchain world.
A True Tested Product is live right now! You can test it out for yourself before it goes into the blockchain! Most ICOs are based on very well thought out concepts that are seeking funding to test their idea. Our ICO is to take our proven product into the blockchain. Having a functioning product before an ICO increases its value significantly
We include fantastic projects such as Storj and Golem
We love supporting other amazing blockchain technologies like Storj and Golem!
Storj is a decentralized blockchain storage system. Instead of a service like AWS, Storj uses decentralized and distributed nodes to store data.
Global Supercomputer, CPU – Golem integration
An encryption project that is focused on decentralizing super-computing power is also a protocol that could be added into onG to increase the viability of the dashboard.
Both of these fantastic projects give incredible boosts to our project which goes perfectly with our motto of “Achieve More Together”
Protect Your Content with our Content Mirror
More than ever people are having to worry about the future of their years of hard work on Social Media platforms. Too many talented people are being squeezed out of their hard work and carefully crafted content by profit driven algorithms meant to exclude people not bring them together. That is not what we believe in at all. We believe that we “Achieve More Together”. Through our proprietary technology and the open nature of blockchain technology we can secure your hard work in perpetuity.
Value Statement
As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, transparency, enthusiasm, personal excellence, constructive self-criticism, continuous self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are committed as a team to our customers and partners and in providing excellence in all that we do. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the highest quality.
onG places a special emphasis toward a weighted compensation algorithm called Gravity ™ that measures and rewards community verified truth and overall global impact for each post made to social media.