I am _SICK_ of the Tradehill spam. I got that email too. I feel like they are trying to shove this place down my throat.
If they want me to move over, they should concentrate on adding features and making their site better then Mt. Gox. Hell, I haven't even been there because of the irritating nature of the spam happy / Tradehill fan boys posting on the forums.
Just stop.
I get tons of real spam everyday, but I don't let it hurt my little feelings, and start bawling like a baby about it.
The amount of peevish butthurt over a few HELPFUL emails around here is unreal. It's like some of you have never gotten an email from a third party in your entire sheltered onlive lives.
If you truly hate spam that much, why did you GIVE your precious cloistered email address to MtGox, instead of using a one-time throwaway, or trackable email? It's because you are LAZY, and expect others to do the hard work of IT security for you, isn't it?
What's going to happen when your MtGox email starts getting REAL spam, selling dick pills and prozac?
I half expect to see a rash of suicides then, given how delicate you emo self-cutters' emotional states have been demonstrated to be.
OMG not ONE, but THREE SPAMSESES! It's The End of the World!!!1! *cuts wrists*
*swallows tylenol, everclear*