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Author Topic: Electrum stuck after sending BTC from lykke app  (Read 503 times)
DotBlot (OP)
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June 25, 2017, 10:50:44 PM

in the last couple of days I had a problem with my electrum wallet (see link at the end), it didn't synchronized after I've sent BTC from lykke app, the only thing helped was to open a new wallet and sweep the coin in to the new wallet.
This happened to a friend of mine and to another guy here, we all had the synchronization problem after sending BTC from lykke, is this just a coincidence? or do you have any explanation?

link to my first thread describing the problem and solution
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June 26, 2017, 03:06:16 AM

in the last couple of days I had a problem with my electrum wallet (see link at the end), it didn't synchronized after I've sent BTC from lykke app, the only thing helped was to open a new wallet and sweep the coin in to the new wallet.
This happened to a friend of mine and to another guy here, we all had the synchronization problem after sending BTC from lykke, is this just a coincidence? or do you have any explanation?

link to my first thread describing the problem and solution

It is very likely just a coincidence. It shouldn't matter where you receive your coins from and that really shouldn't affect Electrum's ability to sync. The only way that would have is if lykke is doing something non-standard in the transaction that Electrum doesn't currently know how to handle, but I highly doubt this is the case.
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June 27, 2017, 07:04:20 AM

Same thing here. Sent BTC from Lykke -> synchronisation in Electrum failed:
DotBlot (OP)
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June 29, 2017, 06:03:50 AM

Same thing here. Sent BTC from Lykke -> synchronisation in Electrum failed:

Landman, Did you manage to fix that?

I've sent a description to lykke support but didn't hear anything from them yet, will update.

kolloh, is there a way to check if lykke are doing non-standard transactions?
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June 29, 2017, 01:45:58 PM

No, tried a lot of stuff, couldn't fix it. Moved funds to a different address and stopped using Electrum.
DotBlot (OP)
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June 29, 2017, 01:58:06 PM

No, tried a lot of stuff, couldn't fix it. Moved funds to a different address and stopped using Electrum.

Do you know by any chance, if you can receive coins from lykke to the new address?
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July 03, 2017, 07:16:43 AM

No, tried a lot of stuff, couldn't fix it. Moved funds to a different address and stopped using Electrum.

Do you know by any chance, if you can receive coins from lykke to the new address?

No, sorry, haven't tried yet.
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<insert witty quote here>

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July 03, 2017, 09:41:28 AM

The only "non-standard" thing I can see from these Lykke transactions, is that they seem to be using the signature hash "ALL|ANYONECANPAY"... as opposed to the default "ALL"...

Whether this is just coincidental... or is causing the issue, I honestly couldn't say.

      "txid": "813e35ae2baa76ab4cd27aaeba8df556e661a300d0e833415378df23127d2fc4",
      "vout": 0,
      "scriptSig": {
        "asm": "0 30440220065c1082b06d91193d9f33339f8700fbe82ada45b05c76bdde05de957228ec33022062d 320206b2b59aa04466042a0af45338a9e00b56adf690160d44e023dad4ffa[ALL|ANYONECANPAY] 3045022100b8d61a7852b8e2e908640649a7ea1ca8ebcff04e1aaca7e05a19bc12c80916b602206 5e45123cd71520bb0e404da0816d6cb476a8d0a4fdab5ad4d9eb502c1f5782c[ALL] 522102bcf635112115767e5c227d36b74d44aed43efb7f4f0ac12676b2597bb7633a8021023bda6 967357089ae98f247af03dabd36dade7b78742b6954bda5ddf5668e52da52ae",
        "hex": "004730440220065c1082b06d91193d9f33339f8700fbe82ada45b05c76bdde05de957228ec33022 062d320206b2b59aa04466042a0af45338a9e00b56adf690160d44e023dad4ffa81483045022100 b8d61a7852b8e2e908640649a7ea1ca8ebcff04e1aaca7e05a19bc12c80916b6022065e45123cd7 1520bb0e404da0816d6cb476a8d0a4fdab5ad4d9eb502c1f5782c0147522102bcf635112115767e 5c227d36b74d44aed43efb7f4f0ac12676b2597bb7633a8021023bda6967357089ae98f247af03d abd36dade7b78742b6954bda5ddf5668e52da52ae"

      "txid": "b844fa64670a26127cdd8f3df2e444f6a737854b7505e9d224bd04cddffdb233",
      "vout": 0,
      "scriptSig": {
        "asm": "0 3045022100d18b91ec7906ea61ba0bf679c1f8b0494389d294eea5b3096c17a86095050e7802203 2c743e1e84318500c11a087ef0519435100e3138f2a84b88b13fa16b1d215a3[ALL|ANYONECANPAY] 3044022007aba3c20036992e8b20c2f7e0df4fe412de3fc5e83f992739315ae9081c2d710220135 23e187a2fa944033448c6f090c86f8355710315ac8690fa68f000cd06d3b9[ALL] 5221029301664091f7fe141330a49248cbb8c7800bf2a210c66320a6ea0e9bcb91d0ce21033bc55 cf2d2d0c5097a06ee1401b4c02f9cb6bc4691e28fe5681088c45df4c15552ae",
        "hex": "00483045022100d18b91ec7906ea61ba0bf679c1f8b0494389d294eea5b3096c17a86095050e780 22032c743e1e84318500c11a087ef0519435100e3138f2a84b88b13fa16b1d215a3814730440220 07aba3c20036992e8b20c2f7e0df4fe412de3fc5e83f992739315ae9081c2d71022013523e187a2 fa944033448c6f090c86f8355710315ac8690fa68f000cd06d3b901475221029301664091f7fe14 1330a49248cbb8c7800bf2a210c66320a6ea0e9bcb91d0ce21033bc55cf2d2d0c5097a06ee1401b 4c02f9cb6bc4691e28fe5681088c45df4c15552ae"

The only payments from a MultiSig that I have in Electrum wallets all seem to use just the default signature hash "ALL"... for instance:
      "txid": "4c496dbcbf25edeb09e0702ee92d84b8ba1b16e63b3a478c91a94533a1cdbcc1",
      "vout": 1,
      "scriptSig": {
        "asm": "0 3045022100c83a29a11a09ef90d08b7e09d917a27e3d42966cd4c5da944a7028375d20874e02205 ea76ad090a8d340589241f6a34b40e77e4c5786cf96e65a90171bfefdc674f6[ALL] 3045022100e0d9ca7123ca9cc12cf7c4e92d14aa97d79880cda0e511d2f4abc0e387dae2b102207 83463337c286276e4f5d944f9f655b0814edc3166e4f4acb90056cd50b464ae[ALL] 522103f7c48743082d4d53c60716746236b3fb9c098d501ceebc7d721e06a76f29f1e42102fa040 afd720420123cec160a7746fa2f1557b2ed33a5631396b8e0dee3ae354d2103b989c51faa5775d6 f7f79bd1ae2c11be0656f3571410fa95ae652c850055c34253ae",
        "hex": "00483045022100c83a29a11a09ef90d08b7e09d917a27e3d42966cd4c5da944a7028375d20874e0 2205ea76ad090a8d340589241f6a34b40e77e4c5786cf96e65a90171bfefdc674f6014830450221 00e0d9ca7123ca9cc12cf7c4e92d14aa97d79880cda0e511d2f4abc0e387dae2b10220783463337 c286276e4f5d944f9f655b0814edc3166e4f4acb90056cd50b464ae014c69522103f7c48743082d 4d53c60716746236b3fb9c098d501ceebc7d721e06a76f29f1e42102fa040afd720420123cec160 a7746fa2f1557b2ed33a5631396b8e0dee3ae354d2103b989c51faa5775d6f7f79bd1ae2c11be06 56f3571410fa95ae652c850055c34253ae"


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