That guy is psychopath
His rant was just puffed-up bluster and sound bites. He's honestly a hopeless communicator. And sort of a dick.
My fear of Craig Wright is not that he is Satoshi. that..he was one of the 3 guys who maybe started bitcoin....
I forget the other one name, tossed about in this theory.
One died alone in a wheelchair...(forget the name)< the other was famous Hal Finney.
The one that died was Dave Kleiman. If it would be a group, of those three Finney would probably be the most capable and knowleadgle on this subjects.
There are many things that doesn't match with Wright being satoshi or even in "the group". There are a few that would.
It is true that Wright was somewhat involved on mailing lists related to the subject. There even is a funny moment in 1996 when Julian Assange replies this to Wright in the cypherpunks mailing list: have always suspected that Julian Assange could have been involved in the develop of Bitcoin. Before all this Wikileaks stuff he was a old school hacker and a very good coder. He was a regular of irc channel #hack in 1993-1995 using the nick proff and usually connecting from his own ISP/BBS He was somewhat low profile, but probably one or the most knowledgeable individuals on that channel. He also was a kind and helpful person, with no ego problem unlike many others there.
During that time he coded several very interesting tools (for the time), such as a system-wide log removal tool (marry.c) including accounting (pacct), a precursor of NMAP (strobe.c - the first multithreaded non-blocking port scanner) and many others.
Years before that he was a very active hacker that infiltrated in several US government sensitive networks. At the time he was a regular in irc as proff, he was suppossedly "retired" from that activity as he had already been caught. He was working in a book. He already was expressing some concerns about the activities of the US government.
He is also from Australia, same as Craig Wright.
So.... what if "satoshi" was Julian Assange? What was the time "satoshi" stopped posting?