The whole basic idea of Hell in the religious books, is a place of hot fire and burning torment. Are we in Hell? Consider...
Absolute zero is the coldest anything can get. Absolute zero is where all molecular action between molecules ceases. According to
Wikipedia, that temperature is around minus 459.67° on the Fahrenheit scale. That's 459.67° below zero. Keep this in mind.
What is the temperature of the sun? says that the sun can reach more than 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.
Wikipedia speaks about
absolute hot. Their article about Planck's absolute hottest temperature that anything can get to, shows
that temperature to be around "2.55×1032 degrees Fahrenheit." Scientists other than Planck have suggested varying degrees of high heat... some way higher than what Planck suggested.
How far are we away from the coldest cold that things can get? About 459.67 degrees.
But how far are we from how hot things can get? We have a long way to go... about 255,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 degrees.
In other words, we are way far away from Hell.
An interesting side-point is this. When you study it, you will find that some scientists have concluded that if we could cool something down to absolute zero, and then make it a tiny bit colder, it would immediately jump to absolute hot. And vice, versa.
So, you see? When the time comes that God wants to send the unbelievers to Hell, He doesn't have to increase their temperature the difficult billions of degrees to get to absolute hot. All he has to do is cool them down to just a little colder than absolute zero, and they will automatically jump to Hell.