I wish using prediction-markets in order to increase the return from my crypto investments.
What are the LEGIT prediction-markets out there with crypto-topic related predictions and crypto-deposit/-withdrawal options?
You mean something like this?
https://www.predictious.com/I dont think those are profitable enough to make them worth all the effort. If you are into that kind of stuff, why dont you try sports betting or even cryptocurrency trading. The variance is higher but its more profitable.
You can land to cryptoforecast.com for all kind of crypto related predictions, suggestions, helpful tips on ROI.
This website fetches updates frequently many times a day.
Keeping inview that predictions can't be 100% true but helps you rather to be on time in respective markets.
I dont think thats a prediction market. That a software for helping predict the movement of cryptocurrencies. Why are they selling that instead of using it themselves? Do you make more money by selling it? lol