hey there
i made a transaction to poloniex in ETC and it didn't get out to polo wallet for two weeks till now
some one told me to make another and all of them will be submitted to my polo ETC wallet and i did that with no change
they are all in but no one out !!!
i mailed the support and like usual they didn't reply
what shale i do now to get my ETC tokens ??
my transaction address :
http://gastracker.io/addr/0x5d8e66c8c0288dc1f00b42beef2e47c287cdc4dfsometimes network have synch issues .
I have figured out that once you will get " OUT" measeage than mean it will is registered on your acc
without that orange text you won't get coins or exchange won't see it.
I have no idea how fix that shit.