Full Member
Activity: 392
Merit: 101
July 08, 2017, 08:12:30 PM |
I can't see the 70$ price. Am I missing something?
July 08, 2017, 08:14:20 PM |
$76 was IOU price so not real, just speculation with non-existing tokens on hitbtc anyway I agree that it is perfect buy time for everybody missed the ICO
Boxxl (OP)
July 08, 2017, 08:15:42 PM |
$76 was IOU price so not real, just speculation with non-existing tokens on hitbtc anyway I agree that it is perfect buy time for everybody missed the ICO
Yes but it shows the poplairity of this coin.
No Signature right now...
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
July 08, 2017, 08:18:29 PM |
Never buy a coin which hit an exchange a few days ago, even if the coin is promising.
Boxxl (OP)
July 08, 2017, 08:25:28 PM |
You will see 
No Signature right now...
Emperor of Man
July 08, 2017, 08:27:52 PM |
$76 was IOU price so not real, just speculation with non-existing tokens on hitbtc anyway I agree that it is perfect buy time for everybody missed the ICO
This.  Never pay attention to IOU prices.
July 08, 2017, 08:49:36 PM |
Thanks for the tip on this. Just got my initial position in it. Will buy more if it dips below $1.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
July 08, 2017, 09:15:31 PM |
A few people just put in really highly priced buy orders. But really, it's called 10X for a reason. It's 10X less the value now
Activity: 1302
Merit: 1002
July 08, 2017, 09:38:05 PM |
Man tahat was nice dump but TenX has a plan to increase the wealth of it's token holders....For every card transaction a merchant accepts, the merchant pays 0.5-3% in the form of a merchant discount fee. This fee is then split among his bank, also called the acquiring bank, the card scheme and the issuing bank. The fee that is paid to the issuing bank is called the interchange fee. Traditionally this fee is plain profit for the issuer, but often is also used to give rewards to the user in form of air miles or similar benefits. At TenX, we reward our users with PAY tokens on every purchase to allow them to become a token holder. Subsequently, PAY token holders will receive an incentive of 0.5% of the entire payment volume on the TenX payment platform initially on a monthly basis. TenX aims to distribute the reward in shorter periods of time in the future, with a target of hourly reward distribution.
Request / 26th September / 2022 APP-06-22-4587
July 08, 2017, 10:28:51 PM |
Tenx didn't get any dump, as far as i know that the price of tenx already above the ico price. have you known if the price of tenx 350 tenx = 1 ethereum? The current price already above the ico price. I will no doubt to put more money in tenx project.
July 08, 2017, 10:30:51 PM |
with a project like this its all about getting the merchants on board, if they do it will be incredible
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1012
July 08, 2017, 10:33:26 PM |
Looks good on paper,what about development,partners,thay need to have partners like visa maser card otherwise what i will do with his card it is not easy business

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
July 08, 2017, 10:51:34 PM |
Guys please don't be misinformed, the 70 dollar price tag was only trading on HitBTC which were traded based on low volume IOUs before the tokens were tradable. The price you see on Bittrex is the true price which is about 2x the ICO price.
July 09, 2017, 04:02:04 AM |
Are you mistake about price Tenx? I not see the price from ICOs Tenx is $76/token, I remember the price is $0.5/token and the price of Tenx at now in Bittrex still x2 if compare when crowd sales. Maybe, if you say MCO drop down change -100% value compare with ICOs, I will believe you
HODL to the moon
July 09, 2017, 07:53:07 AM |
What is the sense of trading IOUs there? Do you get the coins afterwards? It is kind of senseless since every coin on there drops 80% after being added to Bittrex..
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
July 09, 2017, 08:10:31 AM |
Looks to have amazing potential. Are these a kind of mastercard or something else?, certainly looking at the promo video it looks like one. https://preview.ibb.co/f1AO2v/tenx.png
July 09, 2017, 08:25:35 AM |
Are you mistake about price Tenx? I not see the price from ICOs Tenx is $76/token, I remember the price is $0.5/token and the price of Tenx at now in Bittrex still x2 if compare when crowd sales. Maybe, if you say MCO drop down change -100% value compare with ICOs, I will believe you
Its indeed a mistake since mentioning about IOU price and that $70/token which was on hitbtc and you cant see it on other exchange which it gives confusion if you are really arent aware on the previous price. Ive seen 0.5 and now it hits $1 which 2x the amount which is good and also $70 is way too far.
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Sr. Member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
"Highest ROI crypto infrastructure"
July 10, 2017, 02:59:10 AM |
Are you mistake about price Tenx? I not see the price from ICOs Tenx is $76/token, I remember the price is $0.5/token and the price of Tenx at now in Bittrex still x2 if compare when crowd sales. Maybe, if you say MCO drop down change -100% value compare with ICOs, I will believe you
Its indeed a mistake since mentioning about IOU price and that $70/token which was on hitbtc and you cant see it on other exchange which it gives confusion if you are really arent aware on the previous price. Ive seen 0.5 and now it hits $1 which 2x the amount which is good and also $70 is way too far. You can dream hitting $70 maybe in 2020 but now anytime soon. I'm buying more though. Thanks for the panic sellers. 