The next question. Here you write in white paper about some influential people who will force buyers to make purchases. Who are these people? How will you attract them? How will they affect my decision?
Everybody is an influential person, you don't force anyone to do something.
For example a friend of yours know's that you are good in computer and smartphones. If you now post on instagram that you like the new samsung s8 they are already influeced by you. That's all.
Every drop in the ocean counts.
Samsung will be very happy to pay you, because in the end the sum of all influences counts and yours is much stronger than an advertisement.
You mentioned the Samsung Corporation. Does the Samsung know that, for example, did my friend influence my decision to buy a S8 smartphone? Samsung will pay him for it? Or was it purely a rhetorical example?
Samsung is just an example, there are thousands of other companies which can use our network.
A company has the possibility to create a campaign in our app where they define who can see their request hand how much they are willing to pay for a instragram, twitter, facebook post.
Every person using our app can then accept this campaign and post it.
Our Quality Verfication System will then check the post and you will get payed immediately and after 14-21 days an additional bonus (when the views, likes and comments collection is over)
There are a lot of other options for companies what they can do in their campaign.
We can target small companies to worldwide corporations and also nano influencers from only 100 friends to big ones with over millions of followers since the system it built from ground up with scaling in mind.