I watched the NEWS and it was talking about what type of person someone is by the body language ..
Now someone was on the BBC1 news talking BULLSHIT about what trump was like by his body language ..
Now I have never ever seen the NEWS act so stupid in all my life ..About trump and the EU ..
The BBC are a fucking disgrace i would just switch over and take everything they say with a pinch of salt..
CNN BBC are the worst news reporters EVER they are not even news ..
They are PROPAGANDA news stations ..And everyone knows it
FUCK YOU BBC TWATS..You talk BULLSHIT LIES sometimes it's all good news BUT you are a PROPAGANDA NEWS station and we all know..
CNN BBC ..You are not looking after your countries your looking after the RICH scum bags..
ALL PROPAGANDA to line the rich twats pockets..
Rule number 1 we shall never ever be slaves ..Not even a British TRAMP will be a fucking slave to you mother fuckers
And the EU go and fuck yourselves
Go and get your own slaves to pay the EU your monies FUCK OFF ..
Please i want to get out the EU ..
YOU British will suffer YOU KEEP SAYING.. Well bring it on we don't need the EU for nothing..
Try and be funny and we will have a war..
Why does GERMANY give free EDUCATION to all free everything basically if you got no money..
But we the BRITISH are in 1.7 trillion pounds DEBT
why are we in DEBT and the GERMANS run a SURPLUS ?
Because the LONDON TWATS are robbing our country silly and putting us all in DEBT..
Get these fuckers out THE TORIES are twats and should never ever get back in power ..
You are GREEDY SCUM BAGS who will destroy your own lands for money..
Not happy with a holiday home want a billion pounds YACHT and they never even invented anything
talked bullshit and let RICH BUSINESSMEN OFF with billions for backhanders..
BBC CNN you are voted BULLSHIT NEWS for your own agendas ..BUT the worst is your doing it for someone other than the peoples of your land..
BBC are TRAITORS to the UK..
SPREAD LIES to line the riches pockets..SAD even our own news stations spread lies to make themselves RICH..
BBC CNN PROPAGANDA bullshit news stations.. SUCK MY DICK you 2 news stations your scum of the EARTH..Not even news BULLSHIT NEWS..