Eth is going down & down!
I am so afraid
Can it grow up in this month?
any possibility?
From what I've seen, without bitcoin, pretty much all those altcoins have as much value as those neat little computer programs you can find for free on internet download sites. Some hold the possibility of future real world use but most likely they are precursors to other, future programs, that will have real world uses one day. Without bitcoin to act as a gateway, the best you can do with them now is swap one token for another and that's not much use
The tokens give you no stake in the technology, no stake in the companies that created them, pretty much nothing from what I can see. Intrinsic value: as much as those free programs on the web and that is close to 0
An unlikely but possible scenario is that something dramatic happens to bitcoin in August in terms of confidence or credibility. If that happens (loss of bitcoin gateway + loss of credibility) it is conceivable that those existing altcoins will revert back to intrinsic value. Never mind their current market cap (ever heard of Enron, The Mississipi company, West India company, etc?) they can go to 0 no matter how big they are now.
Staying fully "invested" in altcoins at this time is like doing acrobatics without a safety net.
It's all very speculative so be mindful of people giving you any kind of assurances one way or another. Only one trick I know to makes this easier: sell a part of your holdings now, a third or half, and then buy it back later if the world didn't end
At least you'll have a safety net and you will feel less anxious
My two pence...