Forget blockchain voting. Forget voting, period.
In the USA at least, Government recognizes the private contract as superseding Government. Contract for everything in Trust. Let the blockchain be the recording proof so that we don't even need Notaries. Do the contract thing like this.
Somebody gets a trust started with some money being held in the trust. The trust owns the money. The trustee of this trust is Trustee A.
Somebody else gets a trust started with some property in it, say, a car. This trust owns the car. The trustee of this trust is Trustee B.
Trustee B wants the money. Trustee A wants the car. They both appoint each other as the new trustee of their trust, and then they resign.
Now, Trustee A controls the car. Trustee B controls the money.
If the trusts are written properly, they still own the property, and the trustees can designate beneficiary changes, as to who gets what property out of the trust.
There are all kinds of ways to do it.
Notice that the property did not exchange hands. Therefore, no sales tax or income tax. Done the right way, there would not even be any knowledge of the trustee changes except in the blockchain for proof, or if some party to the trusteeships made it known.
The wealthy know all about this and do it all the time.
Regarding voting, if we did all money transactions like this, there would be no income tax, and Government wouldn't have enough money to keep on going. Voting would have no significance.