Congrats on the Votes
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ようこそ Yōkoso
And Once again,on every new page.
Hello Signatum Community,
While some of you are well aware of the details regarding the recent string of events we have had come our way, some in the Signatum community are just now tuning in and have many questions.
Given our now nascent marketing team, and as a result of our very own Cryptovore's wedding (congrats!), the core development team has not been able to keep the community updated as quickly as they would like.
Still, even with the lack of routine public announcements, Signatum development has not been halted. In fact, just the opposite: the development team has begun the quality assurance process on the marketplace with our QA team. They will be hard at work trying to fix as many possible glitches as there may be in order to make your experience with the marketplace as easy and seamless as possible. You can expect to hear more on the marketplace soon.
Recently, the core developers of Signatum — Skankhunt42, The Doctor, Cryptovore/Vikingch1ld, and now Kahir — and the marketing team — Crowetic, Eatbatteries, and co. — had one or many difference(s) of opinion on as to the direction of the project and as a result decided to part ways. The previous marketing team severed all ties and decided to rename their Discord but not before doing their part at attempting to harm the Signatum community.
Panic selling ensued when the now ex-Signatum marketing team members decided to exploit the situation in their Discord before the the Signatum Project could release a coordinated response. This was possible only because they had been our marketing team themselves.
Specifically, they first stripped some core developers of their administrative roles and permissions in the Discord. They proceeded by alerting all members by sending a message to "@everyone" to ensure all users received a notice. Furthermore, they explained the situation by first self-labeling themselves as "community leaders" and then stating that the "community leaders" are no longer happy with the communication from the core devs, taking it upon themselves to "remove" The Doctor and Skankhunt42 from the development team, and naming a new, self-imposed development team which included the so-called "community leaders".1
Immediately upon posting this, the price crashed as the community was awash with confusion, fear, and doubt.
After pandemonium and a torrent of questions, answered patiently by Eatbatteries, it became clear the "community leaders" did not have authority to remove anyone from the Signatum Project: they lacked access to Signatum's Github, Bitcointalk account, website, and Reddit. For them to proceed would require the recreation of those accounts, the forking of the project, and more. Clearly, they were in no position to remove anyone from the Signatum Project and much less to make such an announcement.
After parting ways, the development team picked up a new developer, decided to put this behind them, and continued with the task at hand: developing Signatum and completing the roadmap.
The Signatum Project and roadmap continues today as it always has: strong, under development, and with the same core developers as well as our latest developer Kahir. The immediate focus is on delivering the marketplace but work is also currently being done on an Android wallet. The developers are also currently working with our quality assurance team to get the marketplace ready for production.
While there have admittedly been stumbles, we will continue to attempt to do better to keep the community involved and informed. Having a knowledgeable community full of Signatum pride is just as important to Signatum's long-term outlook as is completing the roadmap. Without an informed public, we're hopeless. As such, we will also be developing this Reddit more in hopes that you will find it an easily accessible source of reliable, credible information you can trust.
With that said, above all else: thank you.
plus Dev said,market platform beta test in a few days.