bet101 (OP)
July 24, 2017, 08:16:53 AM Last edit: July 24, 2017, 08:49:08 AM by bet101 |
Gold standard is an interesting concept - nice idea that you use pool fees to buy more gold.
The official "CoinQwest Official Mining Pool" seems like it's been at 12 total blocks for a while, despite the 79 MH rate of the whole pool. Why is it taking so long to find a block, when its such a young coin?
Thank you, there are a total of 21,500,000 coins available that's the reason why.

Activity: 72
Merit: 10
July 24, 2017, 08:31:39 AM |
Gold standard is an interesting concept - nice idea that you use pool fees to buy more gold.
The official "CoinQwest Official Mining Pool" seems like it's been at 12 total blocks for a while, despite the 79 MH rate of the whole pool. Why is it taking so long to find a block, when its such a young coin?
Thank you, there are a total of 21,500,000 coins available that's the reason why, today alone a total of 379,296 coins have been mined in a few hours only, if you could mine the totality in 20 day it would not make sense, the real value will come from the difficulty and from the time we have to prepare to be able to get the gold necessary to back the coin. what 379,296 coins? to a block reward of 50 coins that means 7585 blocks but when i start mining it's say's block 129 what i'm miss understand? 
bet101 (OP)
July 24, 2017, 08:40:17 AM |
Gold standard is an interesting concept - nice idea that you use pool fees to buy more gold.
The official "CoinQwest Official Mining Pool" seems like it's been at 12 total blocks for a while, despite the 79 MH rate of the whole pool. Why is it taking so long to find a block, when its such a young coin?
Thank you, there are a total of 21,500,000 coins available that's the reason why, today alone a total of 379,296 coins have been mined in a few hours only, if you could mine the totality in 20 day it would not make sense, the real value will come from the difficulty and from the time we have to prepare to be able to get the gold necessary to back the coin. what 379,296 coins? to a block reward of 50 coins that means 7585 blocks but when i start mining it's say's block 129 what i'm miss understand?  if you check the Pool mining thats what has been mined today
bet101 (OP)
July 24, 2017, 08:44:25 AM |
Gold standard is an interesting concept - nice idea that you use pool fees to buy more gold.
The official "CoinQwest Official Mining Pool" seems like it's been at 12 total blocks for a while, despite the 79 MH rate of the whole pool. Why is it taking so long to find a block, when its such a young coin?
Thank you, there are a total of 21,500,000 coins available that's the reason why, today alone a total of 379,296 coins have been mined in a few hours only, if you could mine the totality in 20 day it would not make sense, the real value will come from the difficulty and from the time we have to prepare to be able to get the gold necessary to back the coin. what 379,296 coins? to a block reward of 50 coins that means 7585 blocks but when i start mining it's say's block 129 what i'm miss understand?  yea let me check something there maybe something going on 

Activity: 72
Merit: 10
July 24, 2017, 08:46:25 AM |
Gold standard is an interesting concept - nice idea that you use pool fees to buy more gold.
The official "CoinQwest Official Mining Pool" seems like it's been at 12 total blocks for a while, despite the 79 MH rate of the whole pool. Why is it taking so long to find a block, when its such a young coin?
Thank you, there are a total of 21,500,000 coins available that's the reason why, today alone a total of 379,296 coins have been mined in a few hours only, if you could mine the totality in 20 day it would not make sense, the real value will come from the difficulty and from the time we have to prepare to be able to get the gold necessary to back the coin. what 379,296 coins? to a block reward of 50 coins that means 7585 blocks but when i start mining it's say's block 129 what i'm miss understand?  if you check the Pool mining thats what has been mined today www.coinqwest.netthis pool say 14 blocks found, the other pool say 22 blocks found 
bet101 (OP)
July 24, 2017, 08:50:28 AM |
Give me a while i am going to investigate!!! 
Full Member
Activity: 151
Merit: 100
July 24, 2017, 11:18:11 AM |
Would you mind listing your 2nd pool in YOUR MAIN ANNOUNCMENT
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
July 24, 2017, 12:36:11 PM |
I already have the wallet synchronized as I can start mining? Example please
Yes you can start mining already! Do you face any difficulties? I can not connect, can give me an example of bat command. ?

Activity: 71
Merit: 10
July 24, 2017, 12:55:56 PM |
This is a great coin  but hard to mine
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
July 24, 2017, 03:34:24 PM |
This is a great coin  but hard to mine I could not mine this coin, please dev help.
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1041
July 24, 2017, 09:07:07 PM |
I already have the wallet synchronized as I can start mining? Example please
Yes you can start mining already! Do you face any difficulties? I can not connect, can give me an example of bat command. ? I already have the wallet synchronized as I can start mining? Example please
Yes you can start mining already! Do you face any difficulties? I can not connect, can give me an example of bat command. ? It's because whoever set the pool up didn't input the right address to connect to.. As I said on the first page. I even told O.P. how to fix it. You actually use: cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -O walletaddress:anything -w 256 -I 10 --thread-concurrency 8192 or something similar. The reason there's not being any blocks is because it's a walletbuilders coin.. They all do this. The difficulty retarget isn't set right and it climbs too high too quick for anyone to find a block. That's why it takes so long to find a block on such a small coin.

Activity: 71
Merit: 10
July 24, 2017, 09:39:28 PM |
already 0.8 btc on trade , great work dev , price is rising fast
July 24, 2017, 09:46:14 PM |
if you create new altcoin use walletbuilders i think is very dificult people can buy youre coin and imposible can added to major exchanger
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July 24, 2017, 10:33:31 PM |
So I followed all the instructions here: Open your wallet, and make sure you are connected to another wallet. You are connected if you see the icon Wallet Connections in the lower right corner of your wallet.
The message "No block source available" will disappear once you mine your first block.
Close your wallet and create the file Yourcoin.conf in the folder "%APPDATA%\coinqwest\". (replace "coinqwest" with the name of your coin)
Paste the following text into yourcoin.conf and save the file.
rpcuser=rpc_user rpcpassword=a1dbf6d85d817653a222bd23c rpcallowip= rpcport=19604 listen=1 server=1 Download the latest version of cpuminer from here and extract the zip file.
Create a .bat file named mine.bat and paste the following text into mine.bat.
minerd --url= --userpass=rpc_user:a1dbf6d85d817653a222bd23c Save the file inside the extracted cpuminer folder.
Open your wallet and execute mine.bat to start mining your first coins. Some weird things: ""Close your wallet and create the file Yourcoin.conf in the folder "%APPDATA%\coinqwest\". (replace "coinqwest" with the name of your coin)"" What? I just left coinqwest, isn't it the name of the coin? I created the .bat file and followed the exact instructions in the exact order. There are only 200 smth blocks plus 8 active connections, and I cannot mine anything at all. Minerd said at the beginning "no payout address provided, switching to getwork". I assume this should work for solo mining with your wallet open and that minerd gets your node/address, etc. Is this even working?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
July 24, 2017, 11:18:45 PM |
already 0.8 btc on trade , great work dev , price is rising fast
You mean tradesatoshi? I don't see it there
bet101 (OP)
July 24, 2017, 11:20:06 PM |
CoinQwest is a coin that is born out of the idea to have something that still holds value against a standard commodity (Gold).
We will introduce a way of gold backing for the Qcoin starting 2018, we have 5,000,000 QCoins that will be sold to investors, with the money collected we will start buying gold, at this stage we already hold 300 grams of gold. The project will be developed slowly but with strong business plans behind it. With CoinQwest a lot of possibilities will be provided for businesses, traders, private persons and social projects as the technology, services and apps are freely usable by everybody on this World. The decentralized blockchain of CoinQwest offers ample opportunities of application. The network uses the hybrid and economic confirmation algorithm "Scrypt" offering both advantages of POW (Proof of Work) and POS (Proof of Stake), which constitutes an energy saving network-confirmation and mining possibility for everybody in the world. POS can be mined on any type of computer (PC, Mac and Linux) by anyone without needing to provide expensive hardware and it offers a yearly mining-interest of 8%! The already existing infrastructure consists of any type of wallets, block-explorers, gaming apps and in the near future also payment solutions enabling CoinQwest to be used as means of financial transactions by businesses and private persons. CoinQwest will also be submitted to every exchange and every possible Crypto-service in the world to ensure sustainable and stable supply for existing and new users. CoinQwest will add a great value to the International Market and Crypto-Community. It will be one of the first and biggest gold coin-concepts. CoinQwest is a new Altcoin, everyone has a chance to Get some good mining in POW BLOCKS now DETAILS AND STEPS FOR MINER AND WALLET Configuration FOR WALLET AND CPMINER.txtDOWNLOAD MINER: Basic VISION (roadmap)
Window, Linux, Mac, Paper, Android, Online POS & Web wallet Not-Completed! Block Explorers (up to Three Explorers) Not-Completed! Exchanges (Minimum 10 Exchanges) Not-Completed! Gambling sites (sports, events) Not-Completed! Online Shopping Stores Not-Completed! We will Pay 1500 QCoins for a Mac Wallter, 1500 QCoins for Android Wallet, 2500 QCoins for a Paper Wallet, Online webwallet 2500 QCoins. Please PM Block Explorers:We will Pay 1500 QCoins for 1 Block Explorer. Please PM Us. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
POOL - Fee is set to 2% Will be re invested in buying Gold or IP: FOR POOL MINING "stratum+tcp://" We use: stratum+tcp:// It's running on UNOMP with PROP payout. Connection info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QWallets WINDOWS WALLET LINUX WALLET --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Algorithm Scrypt Type PoW Coin name CoinQwest Coin abbreviation QWT Address letter Q RPC port 19604 P2P port 19603 Block reward 50 coins Block halving 210000 blocks Total coin supply 26250000 coins Coinbase maturity 20 blocks Target spacing 5 minutes Target timespan 10 minutes Transaction confirmations 6 blocks Mining Pools ------- 500 QWT( Two Mining Pool Required ) 1 Already Completed! Translation ------- 500QWT(50% now, 50% after one month = translation must be updated!) Completed! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Spamming and bad comments is not Allowed in This ANN if you do not like our coin than don't focus on it and stay away from this ANN
bet101 (OP)
July 24, 2017, 11:55:57 PM |
We have an error with the POOL Mining Website, we are working on it now!!!!
July 24, 2017, 11:59:41 PM |
We have an error with the POOL Mining Website, we are working on it now!!!!
I will stop my mining now, for half an hour I got nothing, just make it better dev
July 25, 2017, 12:03:18 AM |
We have an error with the POOL Mining Website, we are working on it now!!!!
I will stop my mining now, for half an hour I got nothing, just make it better dev Same here, got nothing either solo mining or using the pool.
bet101 (OP)
July 25, 2017, 01:31:00 AM |
We have an error with the POOL Mining Website, we are working on it now!!!!
I will stop my mining now, for half an hour I got nothing, just make it better dev Same here, got nothing either solo mining or using the pool. Hi Almeida, Did you manage to mine anything?