⭐️ The major update in our listing strategy: TEAM is going to Bit-Z Exchange ⭐️📈 We're happy to announce that TEAM token will be listed on Bit-Z Exchange - No. 9 in global volume rankings.
We've chosen Bit-Z for a number of reasons:
1️⃣ High Trading Volumes. Bit-Z has ~ $300 million daily trading volume, and it's growing day by day.
2️⃣ Reliable and Secure Platform.
3️⃣ All Countries are Admitted. We respect the interests of our Japanese community, that were restricted from accessing the Qryptos platform. Bit-Z provides access to it's platform regardless of the nationality (please note that TokenStars tokens are not intended for the use of US residents and citizens).
4️⃣ Good Neighbours. Other well-known projects have chosen Bit-Z, including Penta, EDUCare, Nuls, TRON, GXChain and others.
5️⃣ Active Community. Bit-Z has more than 1 million registered users, with primary focus on Asian region.
🗺 Our listing strategy is aimed to gradually increase the token liquidity and community trading involvement:
✅ 1st step: create market recognition by listing on IDEX & ForkDelta.
✅ 2nd step: go to the Top 10 exchange - with listing Bit-Z we accomplish this part.
⬜️ 3rd step: after we release the updates on the TokenStars platform, we will consider other markets, including Qryptos (after merging with Quoinex) and Korean exchanges (thanks to our highly active Korean users 😉).
❓ What's next?
1. The listing day is planned for the end of the next week. The exact time of listing and depositing will be announced on
May, 4th.
This time is needed to prepare the marketing activities on the exchange for its current traders' community.
2. Create your account in advance at
https://www.bit-z.com/3. Follow our announcements.