trackr-im (OP)
August 17, 2017, 07:25:51 PM |
Any tokens not transferred will automatically be burned as well (smart contract will take care of this automatically).
August 18, 2017, 11:33:18 AM |
Hello, trackr-im! Say me, please, how long ICO will continue? I want to buy some TKR tokens, but not enough spendable funds at this moment. Do i have any time?
trackr-im (OP)
August 18, 2017, 03:21:52 PM |
Hey Ivaf, the Crowdsale will continue until 15th of September 12 PM GMT. After that we'll do an update on the state of things and how we'll move forward.
Look out for some announcements too, we're going to be joining some live interviews and perhaps an on-stage presentation in the next 2-3 weeks.
August 19, 2017, 06:26:51 AM |
Hey Ivaf, the Crowdsale will continue until 15th of September 12 PM GMT. After that we'll do an update on the state of things and how we'll move forward.
Look out for some announcements too, we're going to be joining some live interviews and perhaps an on-stage presentation in the next 2-3 weeks.
This is a good action to attract more investors as honestly you badly need that, this project has a great potential but due to lack of exposure or marketing, it was not able to start aggressively in terms of investment and we can see that by looking at how much the total funds collected now which is still less than $100,000. Hope your actions devs will be beneficial to the project.
August 19, 2017, 12:18:38 PM |
Where/how we can check information how many funds is collected in ICO right now?
Thanks for link in advance!
August 19, 2017, 12:24:26 PM |
Sir, can I ask you to update my status as Member position?
August 19, 2017, 04:33:01 PM |
ICO slowly goes forward! If I counted everything well, it was already collected over 150 ETH and this is just the beginning of the ICO! 
trackr-im (OP)
August 19, 2017, 08:14:11 PM |
ICO slowly goes forward! If I counted everything well, it was already collected over 150 ETH and this is just the beginning of the ICO!  We're doing a lot more promotion/advertising coming up.
August 19, 2017, 11:07:40 PM |
Where/how we can check information how many funds is collected in ICO right now?
Thanks for link in advance!
I think you can use this ethereum address to scan their ICO fund raiser: 0xA971AfDCa01BD1ca1499346E730a3d1Dc06a3A9d Or you can directly use the etherscan link of their ethereum fund raiser. Click this: ICO should go much faster. Right now, we have: ETH Balance: 143.6915343645210789 Ether ETH USD Value: $42,138.98 (@ $293.26/ETH)
trackr-im (OP)
August 20, 2017, 01:26:48 AM |
Yep, Etherscan will show the balance (it doesn't include presale)
August 20, 2017, 09:17:55 AM |
which exchange this project token will be list? people are so excited about it.
trackr-im (OP)
August 20, 2017, 06:11:08 PM |
It will depend ultimately on the feedback from the community, we'll try to get it listed within a month's time.
We're also currently preparing for a small update which should hopefully hit iOS/Android later today.
August 20, 2017, 07:58:41 PM |
4 days after the start .. Good luck, guys!
trackr-im (OP)
August 20, 2017, 11:30:48 PM |
Just a little note that the update will be published on Monday instead due to some last-minute changes (we need to do some verification before we publish it).
We've also thrown more advertising/PR in the mix that should hopefully boost it up. We'll be releasing a video on our website as well this week that makes it easier to understand what Trackr is about as it seems there's a lot of common misconception with comparing it directly against the likes of Blockfolio or such.
August 21, 2017, 10:56:02 AM |
Just a little note that the update will be published on Monday instead due to some last-minute changes (we need to do some verification before we publish it).
We've also thrown more advertising/PR in the mix that should hopefully boost it up. We'll be releasing a video on our website as well this week that makes it easier to understand what Trackr is about as it seems there's a lot of common misconception with comparing it directly against the likes of Blockfolio or such.
That's a great idea! We need more promotion! Many potential investors do not fully understand the opportunities that can give them this app.
August 21, 2017, 03:44:44 PM |
It will depend ultimately on the feedback from the community, we'll try to get it listed within a month's time.
Of course everyone expect Bittrex or even Poloniex, but at the beginning it is extreamly difficult. For the start you can try to enter, and then try to get in to bigger one - many developers do like that.
August 21, 2017, 05:36:45 PM |
It will depend ultimately on the feedback from the community, we'll try to get it listed within a month's time.
Of course everyone expect Bittrex or even Poloniex, but at the beginning it is extreamly difficult. For the start you can try to enter, and then try to get in to bigger one - many developers do like that. Best shot would be going for liqui at the start. Then after some major development, go for bittrex. 5days into the ico the project is 2% funded. I think after some promotion and such there will be a massive spike in that number. Plus, there is 4weeks left, plenty of time... Nothing to worry about
~ Too Many Scams, Schemes, and Shitcoins... ~
trackr-im (OP)
August 21, 2017, 06:36:12 PM |
True, we're currently not expecting Poloniex or such (would be futile to try as well at the start). Having said that we're in talks with an advertising manager to get the things rolling a bit faster. We're also releasing a quick update tonight for the app to fix a few things and add a few functionalities.
August 21, 2017, 06:37:18 PM |
True, we're currently not expecting Poloniex or such (would be futile to try as well at the start). Having said that we're in talks with an advertising manager to get the things rolling a bit faster. We're also releasing a quick update tonight for the app to fix a few things and add a few functionalities.
Great news, keep up the good work!