I can get my private keys from blochain.info via the bip39-generator
If you are referring this tool
https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39 then you're safe just make sure you do it offline.
which adress - key pairs must i import in a bcc compatile wallet to get my bcc"s?
must i just import the de private keys of the addresses which i find in the list of the used addresses on the site blockchain.info?
If you have funds on more than one addresses of you blockchain wallet then I just suggest you to copy the extended private key but the cons is, you can only import it on some wallet that has a feature to import private keys that begins "xprv" like electrum and mycelium, that's I only know.
But if you dont use this two wallets mentioned, then you have no choice but to import the private keys each one of your wallet address that has balance, which the private keys begins with "K" or "L", but sometimes this private keys are compressed so when you import it to X client you will get a new wallet with no balance, so you have to uncompressed it on bitaddress.org/wallet details and enter your private key that start with L/K on the textbox, and "View details" you will see the uncompressed private key which start with "5" together with address on your BC.info then import to x client. Don't forget to use this tool offline.