We are looking for chances to serve the community, and we are starting with this survey (market research). By filling out the survey, you will have a chance to win ETH.
Rules:1.Negative Trust members are not allowed to join this campaign.
2.Forbidden to participate with more than 1 account.
3.Participant must hold cryptocurrency.
4.Fake answers are not allowed.
Rewards:We will draw three participants randomly and distribute 1 ETH to them. (0.5, 0.3, 0.2 ETH respectively based on timestamp)
Instruction:1. fill in the following form:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwMwBefNBVbnH_CSANIssuVcrjT0Y-iAzqgzm0m7Vp7HbfDA/viewform?usp=sf_link#responses2. We will update the participants' info every night before 11:59 pm PST.
3. The lottery will start when the number of participants hit 100.
Survey Address:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwMwBefNBVbnH_CSANIssuVcrjT0Y-iAzqgzm0m7Vp7HbfDA/viewform?usp=sf_link#responsesParticipants Result:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iphDtQ1WpmcgBVUCjs3cGxqFOLP3X7_SihlgNsw4usE/edit?usp=sharing---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for all of your participation! Our survey finally reached 100 and we did the draw.
If you are curious about the draw and wonder if it's fair, it was implemented as follow and it's reproducible:
1. We obtained a seed number from the sum of every qualified timestamp. Refer to the A112 in the Result Spreadsheet.
2. Run the following Python script.
import random
3. Finally, we have our winners, user0000001, sergiorus, and Capitanike.
Congrats all!! The transaction will start at 11:00 pm, 8.18, so you can verify the address in the Participants result is correct.
Thanks again!
Congrats all winners.