This is awful. You MTF using the name of Mexico to defraud people of the world.
1.- Not contract overview on etherscan, not contract source.
2.- Not ERC-20 token.
3.- The github is frozen text code from 2 months ago. 4.- 28 M usd invested and only one "pseudo dev"
5.- Not company name. I you ask Is Dorosa Mining Corp the owner they said no. But in the White paper comes Mr. Martin Mobarak as CEO and he is in fact the owner of Dorosa.
6.- In the Dorosa Cia website, in gallery site comes pics of If you google Hidalgo Mining Corp you will find this: ---> A SEC charge against that mining for Fraud for a silver mine located near Mexico City, Mexico.
7.- Also you can find a paper of Secretaria de Economia where says the place belongs to Dorosa Cia, but SLVR claim they bought to Dorosa the place! If you ask the name of the new company or the time of concession for minery they dont tell you nothing -and for they I mean Robert Douglas Scott, the only guy who is here and in the slack channel.
8.- In that pdf of Secretaria de Economía, also says that all the information is not from the Economy Secretary nor from any gobernamental agency but information given from Dorosa and responsability of the Company. So the govt just wash their hands about the information in that pdf.
Maybe I'm just paranoid. You can resolve all these issues just telling us the name of the company, an statement of Mr Mobarak in the Dorosa website or showing the papers of the concession.
It would be wonderful have a token pedged to silver, even more, a Token of silver pedged to a real mining company in México. But:
a) not contract code
b) not token existence
c) not github code
d) not mining company name
e) not knowledge of mining laws in Mexico (You cant just explote a mine and keep all the silver/gold/whatever in any vault just because you want all the underground commodities belong to the country aka goverment)
f) not nothing but a gross attempt to defraud
I want you to know I've already put a report to the cybercrime department of Mexico.
Agradecemos su confianza para hacernos llegar vía correo electrónico su reporte ciudadano el cual se recibió en este Centro Nacional de Atención Ciudadana (CNAC), registrado con el siguiente número de folio: B2881410-2017y ha sido canalizado al área correspondiente (
Para el CNAC es de suma importancia consolidarse como el principal mecanismo de enlace entre la sociedad y la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad, para la recepción, registro, atención y canalización de reportes de emergencia, quejas y denuncias ciudadanas relacionadas con la posible comisión de delitos federales.
We thank you for your confidence to send us by e-mail your citizen report which was received at this National Citizen Care Center (CNAC), registered with the following folio number: B2881410-2017 and has been channeled to the corresponding area (
delitocibernetico_pf@cns.gob .mx).
For the CNAC, it is of the utmost importance to consolidate itself as the main mechanism of liaison between the company and the National Security Commission for the reception, registration, attention and channeling of emergency reports, complaints and citizen complaints related to the possible commission of federal crimes .