CROATWe're proud to announce the result of a long time of hoping, dreaming, planning and lots of hard work!
Croat, the Catalan Altcoin is here to make history!
Croat was one of the most used and longest lived of the Catalan coins. Croat is an important part of the historical dentity of the Catalan people. Croat as an altcoin brings the Catalan coin from the past into the future.
A tool within everyone’s reach, justified not only by economical needs, but also by historical, cultural and personal ones.
More info on Croat's history
Croat is a virtual coin or criptocurrency based on Cryptonote algorithm. Although technically not a great innovation in terms of major changes in the algorithm, this was not our main purpose. Our objective is to create a Catalan product, a tool destined to be used by the people, governed by the people, and that brings benefits directly to the people.
There have been other intents to launch a Catalan cryptocurrency. Some failed due to technical faults, others were not really a decentralized cryptocurrency, but more a centralized “token” system related to some local authority. We've studied them all. We learned from the mistakes some made and from the approach others had, to make Croat the best option for ordinary people, unrelated to any institution or organization.
Although we strongly believe in Catalonia's future, we are not politically subscribed to any party or group. In our group of developers there are people with different political views, but as a group we only believe in the future of Croat as THE CATALAN ALTCOIN. People deserve the right to have access to Croat, no matter what their political views are. In the end, it's only money. And we strongly believe that PEOPLE should have the right to govern and control it, not institutions, not political parties, not central banks.
The Croat project started out of a need to offer a virtual coin to the Catalan people. Catalonia has a lot of economic potential and Croat will be a powerful tool to accelerate the economic development of our region We cannot stress enough the importance of THE PEOPLE. Croat was not created by any institution, government or official organization, but by a group of ordinary people, passionate developers, with Catalonia at heart. We want to empower our PEOPLE, give them a tool that works for them and, more importantly, one that represents them.
Why Croat?
It's obvious that other cryptocurrencies also offer the advantages of de-centralization and security. But Croat is much different because of several reasons:
Although having worldwide usability by design, Croat was developed and began in Catalonia. All our efforts to make it known will be centered among the Catalan community, locally and abroad. Anybody can jump on board, even they're not Catalans, out of sympathy for the Catalan identity, culture and community, or simply because they are able to see a business opportunity in a very different altcoin, with great potential to succeed. But the fact that it all starts in Catalonia, and most of Croat users, at least in the beginning, are Catalans, will directly help the Catalan people when Croat's value increases, because they were part of it from the beginning (remember that 100 $ worth of Bitcoin bought in 2011 are worth over 400 millions in 2017). We'd be extremely proud to know that we have directly contributed to the economical wellbeing of our people.
As most Catalan people, we, the developers, are very concerned about many causes that need help, such as fighting inequality, unemployment, social exclusion of certain groups, people afflicted with rare diseases, the environment, among many others. And we're sick of hearing promises and seeing governments and institutions develop complex and useless programs which only waste precious resources and don't really get to help those who are really suffering. Croat system will give us the best tool to be able to directly help some of those in need. All of the pre-mined Croats will only be destined to ensure the continuous development of the coin, to fund special actions consistent with our philosophy, and to help those in need. We have already started by donating wallets with Croats to various foundations and organizations that fulfill these criteria. We will continue to do so, and, for those which accept this, we will publicize these donations on our website and on our social channels. Stay tuned to find out about our plans, some of them are really big!
Similarly to the idea that we want Croat to serve common people, we developed this cryptocurrency only with the common people in mind. The user interface is extremely intuitive and easy to use. You don't need to be an expert to get on board. With a few clicks, you can start mining and get your rewards in a very short time. The algorithm we chose is the best for our cause. Why? Because ANYONE can mine. You don't need to invest a lot of money in specialized equipment. Just use your personal computer, install our client app, and you're good to go! Also, it's ecological. Unlike Bitcoin mining, as well as many other cryptocurrencies, you won't need to spend huge amounts of electricity to be able to mine Croat. Again, you'll just need a normal personal computer. This is great for the planet, but also not bad for your own finances!
Technical Specs
DownloadsDownloads page for Croat Core wallet / client
The Croat console and wallet software are currently available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. There are options for all mobile devices.
Croat Core for Windows: Compatible with Windows 7 64 bits or higher
Croat Core for Mac OS X: Compatible with Mac OS X 12.12 or higher
Croat Core for Linux: Compatible with Ubuntu 16.04
CROATCore Light Wallet for Android devices: Available on []Google Play Store[/url]
CROATCore Light wallet for web and mobile devices: Available on Downloads page for Croat Core wallet / client
Lots of real merchants already which accept CROAT as a means of payment.
Keep checking them out here for an updated list:

Many more press and media appearances constantly updated on our website:
In-wallet pool mining available. Please download the latest version!
Please check the current and updated list of mining pools on the official website:
Blockchain explorerWe are dedicated to building more apps for the platform, to increase usability and ensure flawless functioning, as well as provide continuous updates and support. All members of the development team have years of professional experience, enabling us to give the end user superior technical support and to create industry leading software.
Croats can be used globally, in any country, at any time. Built upon public open source architecture, nobody owns or controls Croat, and anybody can take part.
For those wishing to track developments and Croat news, please have a look at our
website, subscribe to our news feed and follow us on our social channels on
Twitter and
TelegramIf you wish to discuss or promote Croat in the press or online, please find our press kit ready for this use at
Important LinksOfficial website:
http://croat.catFacebook pageTwitterUnofficial Telegram GroupOfficial press releaseCroat and Croat Core client source code on GitHubNow, that Croat is a real coin, with a complete and functional ecosystem, we still need your help!
- Most importantly, join the Croat community NOW. Install the Croat client and start mining as soon as possible. The more miners we have, the better and stronger the system is and the sooner Croat will increase in value. Also, the sooner you get on board, the more you'll be able to mine, given the very low difficulty at the beginning.
- Trade Croat in the different exchanges and keep checking back on our website for new exchanges to be added.
- Follow us on our social channels and spread the word, either online or among your friends. Croat is a great business opportunity, but not the kind that gives you an advantage if you keep it to yourself! The more we are, the merrier!
- Ask you favorite stores and shops, especially local ones, to start accepting Croat as a means of payment. The first businesses which start to accept payments with Croat will receive a reward and will be acknowledged on our website as early adopters forever!
Everybody gets a chance. It's up to you to not miss it!
Welcome to the Croat Community!