Merkwürdig find ich die Aussage, daß Bitcoin mit der US-Regierung zusammenarbeite,
wie kann denn Software/Code/ein Protokoll mit der Regierung zusammenarbeiten?
Ob dies den Bitcoin betrifft ist die Frage bzw. dürften ein Geheimdienst 'der kann' dieses Wissen gut für sich behalten. between theory and practice, was Moty Yung's very entertaining invited talk about Kleptography -- using cryptographic techniques for offensive, malicious purposes, rather than defenses, typically against other cryptographic systems. As an example, he gave a public-private RSA key generation algorithm, which is indistinguishable from an honest, random one in a black box manner, and even if reverse engineered, the keys generated with it can be factored only with the effort of factoring a key half that long. The attacker, however, that pushes this key generation algorithm on unsuspecting victims, will be able to factor their keys with very little effort."