Download the wallet : it somewhere and start interzone-qt.exe
When started, click on "Settings" > "Encrypt wallet" and then put your super strong password.
Your wallet is secure.
Now, you address.
Go to Receive Tab.
Fill "Label" with a name like "Mining" and click "Ask Payment".
Now, a new line appear in the "Historical data" at the bottom.
Right-click the line and click : Copy Address.
You have your address in buffer.
Open your .bat file for the miner and put :
sgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u <PASTE_WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=ITZ,stats
Perhaps you should add the algo also but i don't have ATI card.
ccminer-x64 -a c11 -o stratum+tcp:// -u <PASTE_WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=ITZ,stats --cpu-priority 3 --max-log-rate 30
You should be good with that.