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Author Topic: Bitcoin Users Should Use Linux Not Windows  (Read 886 times)
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September 07, 2017, 11:26:55 PM

I knew this already and many are suggesting linux instead of windows. But I'll stay for now in windows the laptop that I'm using before is now my hardware wallet with electrum on it. And I'm only connecting it to internet just for synchronizing. Actually, it depends on the user if he isn't visiting any site that contains these malicious spywares, you are safe. Just be a responsible surfer and you'll be fine.

This is generally true. Wallet stealing malware has much more to do with irresponsible security practices and social engineering than anything else. The people that fall victim to it are usually those downloading anything and everything (such as altcoin wallets that are actually malware or random email attachments) onto machines that hold coins.

The primary defenses on an internet-connected machine: 1) rarely downloading anything, and when you do, only do so from a trusted source and check signatures. 2) Be careful clicking links and surfing in general. If you have coins at risk, you shouldn't be treating your computer as if it were a throwaway.

You should keep most of your coins offline, anyway. And you should also have a throwaway machine (or phone/tablet) for visiting sites that may be insecure, or for downloading torrents, etc.

I don't buy into the Linux vs. Windows argument. If you have bad security practices, you will lose your coins on Linux, too. If you think malware doesn't exist (or cannot exist) for Linux, you are mistaken. There is far less malware because hardly any end users use Linux.
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September 07, 2017, 11:28:02 PM

I have been running windows for many years now without having gone through a format, and never have I dealt with a virus or whatever related garbage. It all depends on how you operate and update your system.

I have an unencrypted "bait" wallet file containing 0.5BTC on my computer for more than a year now, and it's still untouched till this day ~ it's some sort of an alarm, but then a very expensive one at current levels.

If you're paranoid about your coins whilst operating from a windows computer, you in the same way should be paranoid with linux as well ~ there not being many threats on that platform doesn't mean there aren't any.

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September 07, 2017, 11:32:34 PM

Most user dont care about what OS they are using so they stick to what is installed in their computer which is moslty windows so having them learn about how to use linux would pose problem since Linux user must have atleast basic knowledge in programming and many just want something easy to use.

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September 07, 2017, 11:52:28 PM

Yeah, I agree with using Linux for Bitcoin. At the moment, I dual boot Linux and Windows. I mainly use Linux for things such as programming and also cryptocurrencies and use windows for main use, such as browsing the web, Adobe Creative Suite, etc. Linux is super safe, but I still like to use windows for its features and app support. With dual booting, I suppose you get the best of both worlds.
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September 08, 2017, 12:07:59 AM

Why Linux or Windows?

Mac is a perfectly good option.

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September 08, 2017, 01:18:50 AM

Windows system are widely acceptable by wide range of users and running application are quite easy.  Download, Double click and accept User policies, your new application/software installation are up and running. Windows are more likely your choice.

Linux Distro are more flexible and much better on fixing bugs, when you encounter bugs, post it with the community, and you may receive solutions within 2 weeks or a month, but for windows, before they can fix bugs. however i don't know long it will takes?

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September 08, 2017, 09:56:49 AM

I knew this already and many are suggesting linux instead of windows. But I'll stay for now in windows the laptop that I'm using before is now my hardware wallet with electrum on it. And I'm only connecting it to internet just for synchronizing. Actually, it depends on the user if he isn't visiting any site that contains these malicious spywares, you are safe. Just be a responsible surfer and you'll be fine.

This is generally true. Wallet stealing malware has much more to do with irresponsible security practices and social engineering than anything else. The people that fall victim to it are usually those downloading anything and everything (such as altcoin wallets that are actually malware or random email attachments) onto machines that hold coins.

The primary defenses on an internet-connected machine: 1) rarely downloading anything, and when you do, only do so from a trusted source and check signatures. 2) Be careful clicking links and surfing in general. If you have coins at risk, you shouldn't be treating your computer as if it were a throwaway.

You should keep most of your coins offline, anyway. And you should also have a throwaway machine (or phone/tablet) for visiting sites that may be insecure, or for downloading torrents, etc.

I don't buy into the Linux vs. Windows argument. If you have bad security practices, you will lose your coins on Linux, too. If you think malware doesn't exist (or cannot exist) for Linux, you are mistaken. There is far less malware because hardly any end users use Linux.

They are thinking about linux is that most of the hackers or malware creators are into Windows. We know Windows is more popular and I guess 50-70% of this world is using them. Internet etiquette should be done and you should be careful whether you use Windows or Linux. Be cautious on what you do as bitcoin is our literal money and hackers are all over the net.






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September 08, 2017, 10:10:28 AM

Just asking, Is it important or does it matter using linux or windows? For me, as long as your internet are working and you have your smart phone or computer it doesn't matter if it is windows or linux.

For me, hackers and virus are more important issues here. We need to be careful with the sites that we are about to visit.

For me, choosing between linux and windows depends upon the user. But, i am still using windows.

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September 08, 2017, 06:25:06 PM

Lol, linux or windows is similar to the same and that's not what will stop the hackers! Opt for a hardware if you are looking for security and not for some inexplicable operating system and fallible ...
And then good, why have to choose between windows and linux, when you can simply be on mac  Roll Eyes

that is not true people who write viruses for windows can run the virus without your permission, linux is completely different that everything has a different structure with the permissions they can not make software to run when you are not looking
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September 15, 2017, 08:37:18 AM

Why Linux or Windows?

Mac is a perfectly good option.
You can say that Mac is a good option but not at all. In modern era every OS is hack able and most of the black hat hackers are doing this to penetrate into others systems and get access to their private information which can be later used for ransom. In my opinion I will prefer Linux more than Windows.

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