Bitcoin economy requires a whole new species of animal. While bulls charge and bears grunt, they totally overlook a small orange animal with a bushy tail fastidiously dashing to and fro, grabbing a nut... sorry... coin here and mining a coin there and stashing it away in cracks and under paper. Sure that little guy sometime forgets where some of his coins are and some of the coins get stolen by sly foxes. However, once the winter settles in and bulls stand in the barren white field with not a coin in sight, while the bears sleep off their few remaining coins in their dens, then the orange hyperactive critter is still active and about, living to the full, digging up one coin at a time from his huge reserve.
Next time you bull-charge or give a bear hug, please lift up your hoof or paw and let the
squirrel pass.
Inspired by and the squirrels in my back yard.
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