There has to be a better method available than just taking a shotgun approach, as that just staggers your down time occurrences.
I've also found that the host device is usually the weakest link in the mining setup (next to the PSU/brick), so introducing a new point of failure is still an improvement if that point is more reliable than the hosts connected to it.
Assume, "What can go wrong will go wrong"
Now for each single point of failure, calculate the probability of it failing, and also calculate the damage caused by its downtime.
If you have 10 mining units being controlled by 10 raspberry pi (which is quite stable imho no moving part + linux). If one of them breaks, you loose 1 miner. Say downtime of 24 hours (before you can physically fix it).
If you have 10 raspi, assuming one of them to FAIL once a month. Your total loss per month would then be 1 miner for 1 day. Calculate the amount. Im sure investing in some sort of failover would be more expensive.
Personally im interest in your topic for academic reasons. I wouldnt consider investing in failover for actual money reasons.
Now if you still feel failover is cheaper than probability of host outage + downtime loss, then another method could be rigging up some kind of USB switch that can be controled by multiple host computers who monitor each other and "elect" a master. The master commands the switch to point to itself as host. If no such hardware is available u need to get one made by a electrical engineer...
BTW just realized the keyword to search for is "usb switch" :- USB ports are switched from one user to another with the touch of the button
^ The "touch of the button" here can be rigged to the gpio of multiple raspberry pi... all failure scenarios need to be tested. Often times the failover itself causes a fail if not properly tested/practiced.