okay so there will be an application to where users can monitor the status of prices, that's good for traders but what is important here for the investors is the price of GUESS token. what is the plan of the team to make this GUESS token useful in the crypto and how would they do to make its value rise?
Exactly. Our main game plan is to be the number one cryptocurrency ticker in the world, and to do this we will be attacking on every group of user on IOS, Android, Tablets, Smartwatches. Second, if we can raise enough money on the ICO we will be providing FX tickers and ability to set guesses with cross worlds; for example you would be able to create a coupon guess of bitcoin will fall + usd/aud will raise with different parity.
Therefore in the mid term, we plan to attract the FX world users too and have a huge user base. As we also believe people will find addictive to play and win, both crypto and real-money world users will need to buy GUESS tokens to convert to gems or people will convert their winnings in gems to tokens. This is also the reason why we keep a liquidation reserve.
Also keep in mind that every Sunday morning, we will distribute 100 Gems to all holders of the GUESS tokens for each 10,000 GUESS tokens they kept for 7 days. For example, a token holder with 25,000 GUESS tokens will receive 250 free Gems on Sunday morning. This will also create demand for GUESS tokens on its own.