With fee's being the way to profit from this coin we can basically invest on the popularity of the exchange.
But my thought on this is that the exchange with has the lowest transaction fee will become the leader in a few years,
where as this website basically requires to have a larger than necessary fee amount to help pay the investors.
The Alttradex fees are lower than the average over the top 20 platforms.
A proper infrastructure behind the platform costs considerable money. With no fee or extremely low fee trading platforms, the platform owners need to decide whether to invest in proper support & development or make a profit and we think you will find they will choose the latter 9 times out of 10.
Also users tend to gravitate to the platforms that have the best tools and a good customer support structure, as existing users act as ambassadors telling their friends and network, rather than the lower fee platforms. There is little point trading on a sub par platform that will not respond when you have a problem if you are simply looking to save 0.1% and users who are interest in that are not our target demographic.