ProofCore. consults on, creates and manages distributed ledger technology solutions, for government departments, banks, consortiums or individual companies, especially where trust is an issue.
ProofCore uses
Multichain open source software, based on Bitcoin Core technology - battle tested and effective.
ProofCore is building a paltform for Tagcash, based out of the Philippines, to handle multi asset creations, usage and decentralized trading. Assets include Fiat currency, physical assets, rewards, private currencies, and other cryptocurrencies.
The draft white paper is at and Tagcash were founded by Mark Vernon, a Philippines based entrepreneur who has been in the IT business for the last 30 years. He built the first IT training CDs in 1994, and started delivering online IT video tutorials in 1996/7 with the advent of QuickTime Streaming. (Virtual Training Company aka VTC, In the last few years, he has built products and services for Fintech in Philippines ( and is an angel investor in local IT companies. In 2013, Tagcoin was developed as a PoW/PoS cryptocurrency for rewards in Tagcash, and will be integrated with ProofCore as the native currency. He was recently one of the founding members of the Fintech Philippines Association and is currently chairman. He fairly well known in the startup and fintech industry in Philippines.
The areas being developed are:
TAG - Fiat Money and customer created Tokens, decentralized trading. Open to connect, send, receive, and issue/reissue your own token coins.
After installing multichain, connect to seed server using
multichaind is at
http://tag.proofcore.comShared KYC - licensed KYC creators post KCY status for users and earn revenue
Supply Chain (will be used by Tagbond and other supply chain apps/uses)
Triple Ledger, where first use will be to replace the paper based Official Receipt system in Philippines
Notary - Notarial services and Proof of existence
VotingTicketing (used by for anti-counterfeit)
Different apps and APIs already exist that use the TAG blockchain, more are anticipated. Other chains can be created depending on customer needs, our own ideas or customer projects.
There are 100 million units of native currency issued (to be called TAG), which is needed for sending, creating or modifying assets, and writing streams. 80 million will be used for an ICO to furhter develop the applications currently under development. The remainder of 20m will be reserved for exchange against burned TagCoin cryptocurrency on a 1 to 1 basis for the next 10 years. This will enable PoW and PoS equivalent of mining, as the new TAG Blockchain is round robin consensus only.
We also have a large group of TagCoin users in China, with about 15 core investors who will be handling Chinese development, despite the recent exchange bans.
If anyone wants to create their own Token / Currency on the TAG Blockchain you can do it via the command line. If you install Multichain, connect using multichaind, and then type multichain-cli to get to the command prompt to start typing commands. Type Help for a list of commands.
To get an address to which you can issue a coin:
getaddresses - this shows a list of addresses (only one listed if first time to connect) - getnewaddress (to create a new one)
To issue a new token/coin with a fixed amount:
issue <address> <nameoftoken> <amount> <decimalcount> (eg: issue 1HkZPTemygtNNVkzA63sXi7jAoCDQuWN COIN 10000000 0.01)
To issue a token/coin with an amount you can increase in the future:
issue 1HkZPTemygtNNVkzA63sXi7jAoCDQuWN '{"name":"COIN","open":true}' 10000000 0.01
And to add more in future to the same coin after the above:
issuemore 1HkZPTemygtNNVkzA63sXi7jAoCDQuWN COIN 1000000
Then you can send this to any other address created by yourself or others that connect to the chain. Transaction fee is approximately 0.0005 TAG to issue and a little less to send, etc..I will send you 1 TAG if you ask me, which can handle 2000 transactions..
We are updating our existing Tagcash Wallet on mobile and web, and working on a new mobile framework using Fusetools. You will be able to create new assets, update them, trade them against any other assets and offer customers ways to spend them using the modules in the Wallet.
You can use the Tagcash API to integrate the chain, build your own wallet applications or use Bitcoin Libraries and open source code to make SPV wallets etc.
Feel free to contact me via Skype (markatvtc), Linkedin