Let's say I'm in country A and I wish to move some funds to some person in country B. I understand the flow is through the pocket and obstruct series. But how does the physiological movement of funds takes place??
Do you want to know the technical aspects of it ? Physiological movement applies in what context here ?
Also, like in the example of cross-border payments you can find banks involved, so in the example of block overly can there be some involvement of banks too ??
That isn't relevant since block-chain has completely a separate structure than that of the banks.The only partial involvement I could see are the miners.
Lastly, how will be the exchange-rate decided and charge chose centered on what parameters ??
Obviously,just like every other asset - Demand and Supply!
Another possible involvement of banks in the blockchain 'flow' is the very beginning and the very end, like you should somehow top up your bitcoin wallet. If you don't have someone from localbitcoins.com available around, you have to use a bank to transfer your EUR, USD, etc. to a bitcoin exchange, or use your fiat debit/credit card, issued and maintained by your bank.
You transfer the funds via the blockchain network to country B, and the recepient needs to somehow exhcange back the arrived bitcoin to fiat, if he/she needs fiat and not bitcoin. In this case the solution is localbitcoin.com or bank.