When bitcoin was forking into bitcoin cash the market went into insanity. The price of bitcoin nearly doubled in under a month and with this, bitcoin was taken as a huge threat. The SEC started investigating many centralized exchanges - most notably Bittrex. It seems so far that everything is running smoothly but I feel that this is a subtle foreshadowing of what might come. There is a residual feeling of uncertainty just reading Bittrex's report on the SEC investigation - a quote from the Bittrex report article says "We applaud the SEC in issuing its Digital Asset Investigative Report." Something is wrong here, why is a cryptocurrency exchange rejoicing in it's possible demise?
You can better be friends with your regulator than not. If the SEC wanted to investigate bitrex and close it down that would be worser than kissing their ... From what i can read from the article they applaud the SEC for the regulations around ICO's. T.b.h. it is a good safeguard for consumers to not fall in scam ICO's by somewhat regulating that side of the business. On the other hand regulators will never fully regulate the whole blockchain, so ICO's will pop from everywhere.