I guess mt gox never learn from their mistake.
Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: (08004/1040): Too many connections in /www/p/pl/platform-stable.dns.st/includes/DB/MySQL.class.php on line 27
MySQL error, please retry later
Now, that shows a lot for a would be hacker. The entire structure, and the exact line of code.
Mt. Gox is just waiting for another hack to happen.
I would suggest everyone to move all their BTC away from Mt. Gox.
What that tells us is that Mt. Gox is accessing their database directly from the user-facing PHP server. That's common web site practice, but it's
not normal financial practice. In the financial world, there's a front-end system that handles the web users, and a back-end system that handles the money. The connection between them is narrow, highly secured, not accessible from the external Internet, and only allows the minimum necessary operations.