OP had to duplicate threads because people called him out too much in his other thread on how bad his idea is.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=216139.0We will be writing a town constitution
we will be allowing people to sell or rent out their plots
we will be voting on what the land can be used/sold for
Anyone with no project plans will be lumped together to make a giant plot to rent out for air balloon landings
Housing won't have any restrictions except for height
And the person will go to jail, or whatever is decided as punishment
a town where no one pays taxes
the prison is paid YOUR taxes based on how many beds it fills
we could even try to use town funds to buy a private island
One of those places should start getting government funding, and start housing families & Veterans.
The libraries should have public printing machines to promote free speech.
There should also be a publishing program
We need to have better welfare for regular citizens and veterans
The government needs to provide for those people
Computers...everyone should have one no matter how poor. TVs too.
You only get a Earthship if you want a FREE house
we will eventually build a radio studio in town
Exercise programs in the town square every morning.
we could get a good educational program going and maybe even start our own university
We would eventually get a bus, then start a fleet
But once we got enough communal town funds we could work on that.
We actually hope to make a local restaurant and turn it into a national franchise
we would need a state of the art medical facility
The police, health, fire and other government departments should also utilize these programs to earn extra income by creating "cops" like programs, which will also keep them honest since they have viewers.
We also hope to open a hatchery, and make a lake if we don't start with one.
we need to go to each church and offer them contracts to not be churches any more
we find churches that need funding, and pay them to be "community centers"
opening a non-denominational church in town
church employees can get a government salary
We will have plenty of local holidays over time
There needs to be people that come to every party and bring free food or at least drinks/alcohol
You need to gather for a reason, not just because it's the weekend or you want to party
all a community has to work towards is developing shops, housing and eventually public buildings
I even believe that animals should be liberated and humans should be taught to communicate through body language with animals
The only way a plant can talk is with its chemicals (ex Poison: Don't touch/eat me) Learn to communicate on a level deeper than speech.
Everyone would have a machine that they repaired, or checked on.
you pay for the electricity, you mine the coins, but you give some shit away for free
Candy Contest, have people make home made candy and have a contest. And it could fit in well with Halloween in the square.
Classrooms should utilize programs like AdSense and Bitcoin mining. Parents and kids should have to sign a waiver saying that students CAN use their cell phones, cameras and other devices in the classrooms of teachers that deem it acceptable.
I am working on plenty of Charitable projects
New Mexico has awesome laws
Drug dealers would be arrested.
Manufacturing & Selling cocaine isn't a victimless crime. And neither is prostitution.
it's illegal to manufacture guns
I plan on hiding nothing and cooperating (with police) whenever asked.
We will just have to defend the guy in court
we can start a political party based on the towns philosophy
You have to work if you want a share of communal food
we will not have ongoing outside programs inside our town
It would be child friendly, we even allow children to vote if they want.
Education will be non traditional...They will still have the traditional subjects, but they won't be taught like lectures so much.
We will have a program for children and adults that will work towards creating all kinds of community projects
We will make dirt bikes legal.
I would be the one that got tax forms and everything I already plan on that
(for the $2 million land purchase)
we would work out getting everyone their territory afterwards
I have plans for a space program. And the creation of a non-territorial nation.
I've been in court for weed my whole life, but now I have a medical card for it.