You all have to admit if you have been here long enough you watched crypto-ideaology slide down the toilet.
So here we are with this news..
You will line up to say it should not be supported but you will if it gives you profits.
You shouldn't have supported exchanges going AML compliant.. but you did.
Because you *need* profits ..and.. you need them NOW !
I hope you are all catching on by now.
Greed rules.
Ideology is irrelevant.
Crypto is IDEOLOGY !
In other words you have a massive facade here ongoing.
Every aspect of the web is a battle for control.. File Sharing (Piracy)
Censorship and now companies who do professional Anti-Trolling work.
NAZI web site booted from their hoster because of their views.
I don't care if a guy has a baby raping serial-killer how-to web-site.
He should be able to post it.
It's up to the police to catch the guy and put him in jail for any applicable crimes though.
Up to the POLICE.. not the ISP.
Or a so called "pirate" who uploaded a file to a torrent indexing site.
Don't go after the site.. go after the guy.
Reality is the guy may have the legal right to upload it.. such as when Antigua beat the USA in a copyright case and was awarded the right to "pirate" and the US govt said they will not comply with the legal result because they didn't like it.
There is a war ongoing and "crypto" is one of the battlefields it's being waged.
I don't know what else to tell you all to get you to do the right thing.. how do i convince you ?
All i could ever come up with is.. consequences.
When you push greedy scammy bullshit or stuff that rapes our ideology...
You then arm "them" with a good reason to come after us and clamp down with regulations etc we will not like.
Problem is the masses control crypto and they are here to profit.
"Crypto" is of no interest to them.. even if it gets destroyed and soon.
They will all simply push it off the cliff and hope to scrape up what ever profits then can before it crashes.
So as i said years ago.. this shit is doomed.
That crowd is who is in control.. they steer the ship.
Oh and my previous comment was number 13337