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Author Topic: I do not have the guts to buy bitcoins now.  (Read 3671 times)
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November 20, 2017, 05:11:48 AM

i think btc now changing world.  bitcoin price pumping  and  bitcoin price is already pump upto 7k$  and i just like to seeing it. bitcoin totally  change my life style . so people should use bitcoin for change their life. so i think its good time to investment now cause i think now its time to pumping
No doubt bitcoin has created so many elites today and will even create much more for those who have the guts to be a part of holding some of it unlike the OP.

After all, someone already suggested it on the thread to earn as there are so many opportunities to earn as much as one can. Bitcoin is really not going to wait for anyone in the coming years and trying to build guts or if possible find somewhere to buy or borrow those guts to buy right now is the best to do.

 Catch the winning spirit! 
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November 20, 2017, 05:26:41 AM

Maybe it is time to buy some bitcoin.As its value goes low and low.Maybe it will get high again.Buy for now as long as its low.It is your chance.

BTC price is moving up and up as the DEC and Christmas is coming near by. Hopefully we should again see a new rise in Dec as btc has now reached 8k. Wondering will it make a 2k jump in 40 days from now before we enter 2018 ? What will drive such a huge jump if it happens ?
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November 21, 2017, 06:16:35 PM

I do not even have the courage to buy Bitcoin. Although I believe Bitcoin a lot. Many of my friends have made a lot of money by investing in Bitcoin. So I am thinking that I will buy Bitcoin in the future. As Bitcoin too Rising to 5000+ USD   Grin

If you do not have the courage to buy bitcoin then I think it is time to try to earn bitcoin instead, you do not have to buy bitcoin if you earn it, so find ways to earn bitcoin, offer your services and any skill you have in the forum, you can offer some products that you have, try to join a signature campaign, and if you have some money to invest you could buy altcoins or you could begin to trade bitcoins.

Thank you so much for so many suggestions on how to earn bitcoin rather than buying the bitcoin i don't know whether the user who has originally posted got any idea but i surely got an idea what i need to do to earn bitcoins rather than buying it this time when the value is sky rocketing.
No problem we are in the forum to help each other out whenever we can, at first it may seem difficult to earn bitcoin but as time passes and you begin to gain more experience it is going to become easier to earn bitcoin, the only thing you need is to have a lot of patience since earning bitcoin is not going to happen from one day to the other but if you give it let’s say 6 months you will be surprised by the amount of bitcoin you can earn per day.
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November 21, 2017, 06:34:58 PM

Maybe it is time to buy some bitcoin.As its value goes low and low.Maybe it will get high again.Buy for now as long as its low.It is your chance.

BTC price is moving up and up as the DEC and Christmas is coming near by. Hopefully we should again see a new rise in Dec as btc has now reached 8k. Wondering will it make a 2k jump in 40 days from now before we enter 2018 ? What will drive such a huge jump if it happens ?

Well its possible to jump $2K in 40 days. Bitcoin even jump 1K in less than 24 hours so no doubt that it can be done. But good questions though, to make it happened I think (1) there will be no negative news that will impact the price, (2) a new wave of investors suddenly drops huge cash on the the ecosystem and (3) a fresh positive news coming our way that will push the price to $10K.



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November 21, 2017, 09:53:04 PM

Maybe it is time to buy some bitcoin.As its value goes low and low.Maybe it will get high again.Buy for now as long as its low.It is your chance.

BTC price is moving up and up as the DEC and Christmas is coming near by. Hopefully we should again see a new rise in Dec as btc has now reached 8k. Wondering will it make a 2k jump in 40 days from now before we enter 2018 ? What will drive such a huge jump if it happens ?

If we don't come across through any bad news and if investors continues to put their money in bitcoins then that price is likely to achieve at the end of the year but there is no assurance that price will keep on moving in upward direction and only one bad news and everything would go in vain so we need to keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best in coming days.

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November 22, 2017, 07:29:46 AM

I do not even have the courage to buy Bitcoin. Although I believe Bitcoin a lot. Many of my friends have made a lot of money by investing in Bitcoin. So I am thinking that I will buy Bitcoin in the future. As Bitcoin too Rising to 5000+ USD   Grin


That is when you don't know bitcoin's true potential, but when you understand the technology you will bought some too.
Remember when Steve Wozniak talks about BTC:
“There is a certain finite amount of bitcoin that can ever exist,” the publication cites Wozniak as saying. That makes it “more genuine and real” than the dollar, which is “kind of phony” since the U.S. government can issue new units of currency for purely political reasons.

“Your house has value. And if it is a house today, 40 years from now, it still is a house in value,” he said, even if the price increases over time.

“Gold gets mined and mined and mined,” Wozniak said. “Maybe there’s a finite amount of gold in the world, but Bitcoin is even more mathematical and regulated and nobody can change mathematics.”

Source :

See? This came from one of the greats in the history of computer, I cant say that he is a supporter and he want people to bought some BTC. BUt we can't accept the fact that the technology is there.
If you don't have some guts now, then let's see the price in 3 years time.

My brother's wife told my brother that it is too high to buy right now in the 7000s. He pointed out to her that she said the exact same thing a couple weeks ago when it was 5700.

Right now there are maybe 20 million people who have bitcoin and basically no institutional investor money is in bitcoin. So buying bitcoin is still the deal of the century right now. Sure it is so expensive now that you can't buy very much, but your rate of profit will be the same no matter how much you buy!

No one should say they don't have the guts to buy it now or it is too high to buy it now until at the very least 500 million or a billion people own bitcoin and most of the major investment firms are all invested in bitcoin. So we're talking a few years from now and likely in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Only then would it be reasonable to wonder if it is too high to buy. Right now it's the deal of the century.

i told my brother to invest when it was about $2500 and he told me it was to high... everyone at his job was talking about it and that when everyone starts talking about to pull out...

i want to call him and tell him to invest now but he wont listen.

well that sucks for him. My brother did start getting in at just under $4000, and has been buying a bit more as it has gone up, his wife just doesn't let him put much money in cuz she doesn't get it.

I convinced my other brother to get in when it was about $2600, but unfortunately he panicked and sold half his coins under 4000 during the crash from 5000 to 3000 - apparently a relative in the financial industry told him to get out now it could all come crashing down and he unfortunately listened. He warned me about it and I just laughed and told him he's crazy, I couldn't believe he sold it just two months after buying, but at least he still has like half a bitcoin. And it seems he's not planning on buying back in with more, too high for him I guess.

I guess some people just can't bring themselves to believe that they could possibly get in on the investment opportunity of their lifetimes, so they keep telling themselves it's too high its gonna crash to nothing, and they never buy, or sell after tiny profit, always too afraid while they watch others make lots of money, and don't do the proper research to understand that the current price is nothing compared to what's coming.

Sad story bro, but almost everyone here are panic selling, only those who are veterans in trading have the guts to smile while the market is down. I almost sold my all my BTC before the BCC came, but after that Ive realized that "NO!!, I wont be selling anymore BTC".
False news are everywhere so it's almost better not to listen at all and follow your own heart. Maybe BTC is not suitable for small scale transactions but it is the foundation and like foundations oil and gold, it can be a backed up reserve in the world of finance. Imagine the price of a reserve. PRobably will reach 1 UNits of numbers in dollars in the next 5 years. But this section is just speculation. Who knows. Maybe, maybe not. Grin
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