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Author Topic: - live bitcoin price charts  (Read 211537 times)
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July 24, 2013, 09:09:32 PM

What are the intervals used for updating the minicharts? (

Sorry if answered already- - Your Gateway into the World of Bitcoin for Newcomers, Day Traders, Advertisers.
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comboy (OP)
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July 24, 2013, 09:36:18 PM

What are the intervals used for updating the minicharts? (

Sorry if answered already-

0.005 * displayed timespan, so for example more than once every hour for the 7d chart. If it's an issue I can make them more up to date.

Variance is a bitch!
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July 24, 2013, 11:57:41 PM

What are the intervals used for updating the minicharts? (

Sorry if answered already-

0.005 * displayed timespan, so for example more than once every hour for the 7d chart. If it's an issue I can make them more up to date.

On BitcoinMoxy we display all 4 time spans next to each other:

And it shows a different latest price for each above the chart.

Is it possible to update the latest numbers (price/%) for all charts at the same time, maybe every 5 minutes, even if you want to avoid re-rendering the graphs for the bigger time spans as often? So that the numbers on all charts reflect the latest possible price. - Your Gateway into the World of Bitcoin for Newcomers, Day Traders, Advertisers.
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July 25, 2013, 08:00:15 AM
Last edit: July 29, 2013, 09:57:32 AM by Montago

Hi ... I have an idea for an alternative to the Red-Green bars...

a radar-map:

on one axis you have Buy orders and on the other you have Sell orders...

I think its easier on the brain to understand - than the current Red-Red-Green-Green diagram which is VERY confusing for for first time users.

And eventhough i think i know what they mean - i still mixup their meaning because i forget what up and down is...
X/Y diagrams and radar maps are easier to read - in my oppinion.  


Alternatively, the BUY and SELL colors should be different ... so instead of each having 2 colors - the placement above/under indicate what they are...

Green above = increase in buy
Green below = decrease in buy
Red above = increase in sell
Red below = decrease in sell

using the same color for 2 schemes makes the graph harder to read

or maybe i havent spent enough hours getting used to what is what...
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August 01, 2013, 01:58:10 PM

Could someone explain why there are red bars ABOVE the line - left to the current market price ?

to me it looks like people who are selling BTC at a low price ?

I've tried to Bid for them, but never got any !?
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August 01, 2013, 06:01:02 PM

Check this:, but don't tell anyone Wink

Is that NVD3?

Because I am building something similar myself Smiley

Gekko a nodejs bitcoin trading bot!
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August 02, 2013, 09:50:47 PM
Last edit: August 05, 2013, 03:40:36 AM by nanop

Hello. Here's more detailed trade history from CampBX exchange. The ticks are actually the trade being fulfilled. I began collecting data a few days ago.

List of trades on campbx in descending order by time then Order ID:
startUnixtime: begin time for query, conversion help look here:

Streaming list of latest trades:

Happy trading.

Update 8/4: Site was down sporadically due to error connecting to database only after inactivity. No data was lost, as this app only reads from database. Another unexposed app actually collects and writes the data to database. Connection issue is now fixed with the following error handling code. Enjoy the data.
def connect(): Boolean = {
        try {
          Await.result(t.find(Json.obj()).one[JsValue], 3.seconds)
        } catch {
          case e: Throwable => {
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August 08, 2013, 01:18:09 PM

Really would like your service to actully work correctly. The orderbook depth never updates and ive told you about it multiple times and you havent made a fix for it still
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August 08, 2013, 05:24:58 PM

Really would like your service to actully work correctly. The orderbook depth never updates and ive told you about it multiple times and you havent made a fix for it still

Works pretty well for being free, I think. Not sure what you mean by orderbook depth not updating - it does for me.

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August 08, 2013, 08:39:59 PM

mtgox: (a bit laggy while their API is still not fully functional)

I just wanted to create some thread to collect feedback.
Ideas or problem reports are welcome.

Basically I just created it to have some live ticker on my unused 15" LCD (so it's kinda optimized for 1024x768 full screen), but since some poeple started using it, I'm developing it a bit more. More features coming soon.

I found this site after reading a thread where someone posted a screenshot of it.  Looks good, I like how the market depth chart is adjustable with zooming and the change bars time.  I think I will use this often.

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August 13, 2013, 03:14:45 PM

1: Any plans to keep track of its increasing market share has them currently shifting about 40,000 BTC per month as a euro person this would be nice to see.

I've been trying get some API from them for a few months now. Still no luck.
I'd also really like to see on bitcoinity. shows their data, so there must be some way to fetch it.
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August 28, 2013, 04:13:25 PM

the image charts haven't been displaying for the past couple days  Sad
comboy (OP)
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August 28, 2013, 04:17:41 PM

the image charts haven't been displaying for the past couple days  Sad

Can you post some URL where they are not displaying? They seem to look fine here:

And if we could move with this discussion here it would keep things clean.

Variance is a bitch!
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August 28, 2013, 05:46:06 PM

What's with today? It seems to show a very small order book (only 6500 BTC for sale?).

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comboy (OP)
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August 28, 2013, 05:55:45 PM

What's with today? It seems to show a very small order book (only 6500 BTC for sale?).

Mtgox changed something and even though I was polling for full depth with the same frequency as I've been for the last year, I got banned. I'm in contact with them, they did some changes, blah blah blah gox gox, it should be back within 24h. Sorry for the problem.

Variance is a bitch!
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August 29, 2013, 12:53:20 PM

the image charts haven't been displaying for the past couple days  Sad

Can you post some URL where they are not displaying? They seem to look fine here:

And if we could move with this discussion here it would keep things clean.

all of those charts at your link are fine

i meant the main charts here:

however, it seems that after visiting that other page, those main charts show up again. dont know what happened. i had previously tried refreshing, reopening browser, etc. but who knows, it works again
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August 30, 2013, 03:10:46 PM

something is seriously wrong with the charts. I just saw, high 133, volume 3k but market depth was somewhat old.
I hit refresh and the high was at 130. Seconds later a rally to 135 started. Volume 5k. Depth did not get updated again.
I refreshed again. Now it shows high as 135 again, last volume is only 400 and depth can't possibly be what it should look like such a spike.

Please fix it. It's kind of not trustworthy now.

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comboy (OP)
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August 31, 2013, 11:59:50 AM

something is seriously wrong with the charts. I just saw, high 133, volume 3k but market depth was somewhat old.
I hit refresh and the high was at 130. Seconds later a rally to 135 started. Volume 5k. Depth did not get updated again.
I refreshed again. Now it shows high as 135 again, last volume is only 400 and depth can't possibly be what it should look like such a spike.

Please fix it. It's kind of not trustworthy now.

When you enter the page, chart data and last price may be up to 20 (AFAIR) seconds old. I'll try to improve that and I'll update the thread with this info.

Regarding market depth there are some problems on mtgox side, and they stopped responding on their ticket system even though I keep sending them messages about it. So for now there is no full depth.

Variance is a bitch!
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August 31, 2013, 04:22:35 PM

something is seriously wrong with the charts. I just saw, high 133, volume 3k but market depth was somewhat old.
I hit refresh and the high was at 130. Seconds later a rally to 135 started. Volume 5k. Depth did not get updated again.
I refreshed again. Now it shows high as 135 again, last volume is only 400 and depth can't possibly be what it should look like such a spike.

Please fix it. It's kind of not trustworthy now.

When you enter the page, chart data and last price may be up to 20 (AFAIR) seconds old. I'll try to improve that and I'll update the thread with this info.
Well, I noticed that but when it finally caught up, it was coming to different results every time. Are you doing some checkpoint + delta thingy? Looks like it's skipping some data on heavy action and it definitely was not right after 20 s. The traded volume was random.

Regarding market depth there are some problems on mtgox side, and they stopped responding on their ticket system even though I keep sending them messages about it. So for now there is no full depth.
That's unfortunate. Maybe tell the user you know it's inaccurate or better give a hint on how inaccurate it actually is.

ɃɃWalletScrutiny.comIs your wallet secure?(Methodology)
WalletScrutiny checks if wallet builds are reproducible, a precondition for code audits to be of value.
comboy (OP)
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August 31, 2013, 05:34:50 PM

When you enter the page, chart data and last price may be up to 20 (AFAIR) seconds old. I'll try to improve that and I'll update the thread with this info.
Well, I noticed that but when it finally caught up, it was coming to different results every time. Are you doing some checkpoint + delta thingy? Looks like it's skipping some data on heavy action and it definitely was not right after 20 s. The traded volume was random.

I don't. Currently, if you are unlucky then right after you enter page, last volume bar may not be as high as it should be. I'll try to improve that.

Regarding market depth there are some problems on mtgox side, and they stopped responding on their ticket system even though I keep sending them messages about it. So for now there is no full depth.
That's unfortunate. Maybe tell the user you know it's inaccurate or better give a hint on how inaccurate it actually is.

It's just about full depth, that's why it's not shown currently at all. Normal depth (means depth +-10% around the current price) is working fine.

Variance is a bitch!
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