How do you will calculate the Signature stakes? There are 3 parts, so will the signature payment be divided by 3 and distributed according to the stakes? By the way, when I registered for the Signature campaign, there only were 2 parts. I hope this will not harm the early supporters.
It was told long time ago that there will be part C and you are free to stay for part C or leave after finishing part B . If you stay part C and you did A+B+C you would get 20% Bonus . So Total 40% Bonus
Signature stakes will be calculated like always ,Total stakes divided by Bounty pot for signature = Tokens per stake
Thanks for the answer. Are you a bounty manager or a team member of Beluga?
"It was told long time ago that there will be part C" No, it was only told that there will be two parts (A+B). And if the stakes are calculated like normal bounty campaigns, then it's totally unfair for early supporters, because this campaign is not a usual campaign.
Total A part stakes:
3874Total B part stakes:
14676 (+20 % or 40 % bonus)
Total B part stakes (20 % bonus): 14676*1,2 = 17611
Total B part stakes (40 % bonus): 20546
How is that fair towards the early supports/believers?