What You tell here, 30% mastered not working on windows wallet is not normal, the 25th and the 26th payment was not masternode, 27 one payment, he wanted a few mastered to run, but stopped all work fine and I do wasserious, and You write only that the network operates normally, do not solve the problem. Why not a sentinel under windows. Innowa and desire almost immediately did and was given a refund (Innova) for the inconvenience.
And the fact that You implement your masternode, it's all wrong, You take money from investors, what's the point to invest in Your currency if all Your cream. And Your statement is supposedly to stabilize the network believe nonsense, because there are others at 5, 20, 30, etc mastered all, and all of them wonderful
Now the state masternode at the moment, I assume that Your 26+ work fine
Thank You for Your great reaction. Let's go through step by step.
1)30% of MN's not working -> we do everything possible for MN's to work. Our monitoring shows that IF a MN is set up correct it works fine. Our own 26 MN's demonstrate it. Moreover, good few people replied earlier the same.
2)If some investors haven't reinstalled MN's yet, or have done it incorrect, they can face difficulties. For this case we provide REAL HELP. By new launched TECH support. And it takes a bit of time. Have You applied to support with Your certain issue?
3)Our WinClient works fine, what is the nonsence to say we do not have Windows wallet? You can download our latest release, reinstall and use. Again if You face difficulties to reinstall Windows wallet apply to help.
4)We cannot guarantee that Win sentinel will work ctable. Please do not compare different algo ecosystems, it is not ocrrect in technical respect. Also there is no point to compare our project with "projects made for Masternodes". We have broader mission and goals. Market will evaluate finally.
5)For cream - absolute nonsense. In theory we could set from very beginning 300MNs, we haven't done so. Now at this stage we needed additional securrity for the network and statistics. Some people add MNs, some uninstall. But the network needs some stable basis, and this is real reason. So blaming us for 26MNs installed recently is not serious. We keep in touch with big holders having more than 10 MNs, they are mostly miners. All they are happy at the moment.
6)For not received payments - if Your MN's are set up properly, in average they should be getting same quantity as others.
7)We really work to improve our network and customer service. So if You are interested and find constructive way we are happy to cooperate. And those who supported us continue to do so, we always have good and fast feedback.
We remind that we will burn 100 000 Coins soon. And will continue according to our Plan. Also any extra income will be used to purchase more ATM's than planned at the first stage.
We work for the Community!
P.S. We always wondered why some guys like to post huge numbers and start from negative conclusions instead of direct contacting and fixing issues in a work frame? We do have channels for it. And we always make step forward.
P.P.S. but stopped all work fine and I do wasserious, and You write only that the network operates normally, -> The major part (that is installed PROPERLY) works perfect. So what is the meaning of "stopped all work"?