What would make you think a coin is going to be successful ?
I'd say it's the potential for adoption from a more broader user base.
IE: The Public.
Which i might add will likely not have any technical knowledge over us.. the crypoto-nerds.
It is our job to be the experts and enthusiasts.. we failed on that.
The guy just said well, it would lower the value of our coins.
Uhh so what ?You missed the point.
It's about WHAT it is and HOW IT WORKS.
Why ?
Because HOW IT WORKS is what makes it a success.
And no Success does not mean high market prices on centralized govt complaint insecure exchanges for ROI's with a crowd of non-crypto-supporters clutching FIAT for profits.
Most of you shouldn't be here.. high prices or not.
And you all just want people like me to go away so you can continue to bastardize and rape and pervert the concept of "crypto" to suit your silly retarded pathetic cash making agenda.
Can you possibly fathom how fucking silly it sounds when some noob calls a new "coin" a startup company asking for investments in the tune of a quarter billion dollars? (See Bitshares EOS port for example)
You fail to grasp what it is.
How it works.. and why.
You are utterly consumed with greed and all i see is ICO pyramid / ponzi schemes.
Defended by profiteer investards flooding in with no knowledge of crypto past or present or the desire to even learn.
Yet you have the bloody audacity to call yourselves investors ?
How do you choose 1 over another then ?You are the front line people.. it's your job and you are failing at it and there will be consequences.
You've collectively taken this "Startup" "token" shit to ridiculous levels.
Jeez i thought the mass SCRYPT cloning days were bad.. that was nothing.
You all permit the bad shit to go down then when news China bans ICO's you look around and blame the guy beside you.
The sad part is you all don't give a fuck and you will simply walk away when ever you feel like it.
And as i said back during the SCRYPT cloning days you will wander off leaving those of us that stayed behind the mess to clean up and negative consequences to deal with.
You don't care if your behavior is ruining crypto and it's
potential for mass adoption and
You care about Bittrex profits now.. as fast as possible.How ?You are co-opted to participate in coin token
schemes for Bitcoin dust.
It's now standard practice to ALLOW "dev's" (if you want to call them that) to rig and skew a coin in their favor.. making them rich.. just so long as you collect some dust.
A key way they do that is by calling their coin a business then taking money for it.
THAT IS WRONG.But you are doing it non stop.
You won't stop unless someones takes you all out by the knees.
And the guy above me was rambling on about profits ?
You miss the damn point here guys.. i *AM* talking about your profits.
And how you are sabotaging them and selling yours selves short.
Your immoral scheme token crap is a small fraction of what *could be.
The guy says if we don't blindly support worthless ICO coins then they won't be worth much ?
You are blind.
You think your worthless garbage "startup" ICO "fuel" token(s) are worth a lot ?
Try imagining how much a
real currency would be worth if half the Earth adopted it and used it
as intended.
Summary:A currency not used
as a currency ..is not a currency
You are all going to have to get smarter or you WILL suffer the consequences.
Which is ? Well.. the *ONLY* thing you all talk about is "Startups" and "Investments" so take a guess what that might be.