Stakes you will get from the campaign will allow you to get APH tokens at the end of the campaign.
You will receive a portion of the total amount of APH tokens a potential 2% of 400,000,000 tokens are up for grabs (8,000,000), based on your number of stakes.
This campaign will last until the end of ICO (end is set to end 7th December, or before if the ICO sells out before the end date).
The bounty calculations will run from a Sunday - Friday 23:59pm server time (weekly) - if you do not have the required posts / retweets / fb posts, etc completed by then they will not be counted for that weeks stakes.
Twitter and Facebook post links should be submitted in this thread before Friday 23:59pm.
Sections:Campaign 1: Signature campaign : 40% allocation (3,200,000 tokens) - 300 places
Campaign 2: Twitter campaign : 25 % allocation (2,000,000 tokens) - 250 places
Campaign 3: Facebook campaign : 20% allocation (1,600,000 tokens) - 200 places
Campaign 4: Blog campaign : 10% allocation (800,000 tokens) - 100 places
Campaign 5: Reddit campaign : 5% allocation (400,000 tokens) - 100 places
General Terms
Bounty rewards will be distributed after the ICO has concluded.
We reserve the right to remove you from any campaign at any time if we think you are not honest, or spamming the forum.
We reserve the right to remove you from any campaign without explaining why we removed you.
If we remove you from the campaign for any reason, we reserve the right to withhold your stakes.
We may not accept you in the campaign, we do not have to explain reasoning for this.
The rank, friends, followers count will be set for the bounty. You will not be upgraded during the campaign.
If you does not meet the minimum amount of posts, you will not receive any stake for the current week. But you will not be removed from the campaign.
Using multi-accounts, cheating or spamming are not allowed. If you are caught doing any of the three your accounts will be removed from the campaign and stakes withheld.
You just read General Terms. Specific campaigns may have other added rules. Therefore, please read other campaigns rules to have specific rules.
Campaign 1: Signature /
The number of tokens allocated within Signature Campaign – 3 200 000 APH
Weekly Campaign Rates :
- Full members : 1 stake per week
- Senior members 2 stake per week
- Hero members : 3 stake per week
- Legendary members : 5 stake per week
All members will be earn another 1 stake per week for using the Aphelion avatar.AVATAR
FULL MEMBER[center][font=Arial][b][url=][color=#008]◀ ▶[/color] [font=Arial Narrow][color=#90D]A P H E L I O N[/color][/font] [color=#008]|[/color] [color=#008]A [color=#90D]Revolutionary[/color] Decentralized [color=#90D]P2P Exchange[/color] Solution[/color] [color=#008]◀ ▶[/color][/url]
[url=][color=#008]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [color=#008][color=#90D]Aphelion Token[/color] on the [color=#90D]NEO Blockchain[/color][/color] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[/color][/url]
[color=#008][url=][color=#90D]Facebook[/url] - [url=][color=#90D]LinkedIn[/url] - [url=][color=#90D]Twitter[/url] - [url=][color=#90D]Medium[/url] - [url=][color=#90D]Whitepaper[/url] - [url=][color=#90D]Website[/url][/color]
SENIOR MEMBER[center][table][tr]
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[td][url=][font=Arial Narrow][size=32px][color=transparent].[/color][color=#9900DD]A[/color] [color=#AC2BE6]P[/color] [color=#BF57F0]H[/color] [color=#D383FA]E[/color] [color=#D383FA]L[/color] [color=#BF57F0]I[/color] [color=#AC2BE6]O[/color] [color=#9900DD]N[/color][color=transparent].[/color][/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] [/td]
[td][center][url=][font=Arial][size=16px][color=transparent].[color=#90D]A [font=Arial Black]Revolutionary[/font] Decentralized[/color].[/color]
[color=transparent].[color=#90D]P2P Exchange [font=Arial Black]Solution[/color].[/color][/td]
[td] [/td]
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[td] [/td]
[td][font=Arial][size=10px][color=#008]▶ [url=][color=#90D]Whitepaper[/url]
▶ [url=][color=#90D]Website[/url]
▶ [url=][color=#90D]Register[/td]
HERO/LEGENDARY MEMBER[center][table][tr]
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[td][url=][font=Arial Narrow][size=32px][glow=#9900DD,0][color=#9900DD].[glow=#A011E0,0][color=#FFF]A[glow=#A822E4,0][color=#A822E4].[glow=#AF33E8,0][color=#FFF]P[glow=#B744EC,0][color=#B744EC].[glow=#BE55EF,0][color=#FFF]H[glow=#C666F3,0][color=#C666F3].[glow=#CD77F7,0][color=#FFF]E[glow=#D588FB,0][color=#D588FB].[/glow]L[/glow].[/glow]I[/glow].[/glow]O[/glow].[/glow]N[/glow].[/glow][/td]
[td] [/td]
[td] [/td]
[td][center][url=][font=Arial][size=16px][glow=#90D,0][color=#90D].[color=#FFF]A [font=Arial Black]Revolutionary[/font] Decentralized[/color].[/glow]
[color=transparent].[color=#90D]P2P Exchange [font=Arial Black]Solution[/color].[/color][/td]
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[td] [/td]
[td][font=Arial][size=10px][color=#008]▶ [url=][color=#90D]Whitepaper[/url]
▶ [url=][color=#90D]Website[/url]
▶ [url=][color=#90D]Register[/td]
Rules :
This campaign is limited to 300 participants.
Participants in this campaign have to be at least a Full Member rank to wear our signature.
This campaign works on a pay-per-week model.
Minimum 10 constructive posts per week.
If you don't reach 10 posts before Friday 23:59pm forum time, you will not receive any stake for the current week.
Posts made in the following sections (and all their sub boards) will not be counted as valid posts: Marketplace; Off-topic; Archival; Marketplace (Altcoins).
Posts such as "hello", "good luck", "excited for this project", or any other unsubstantial posts will not be counted as valid.
Posts should be constructive and add value to the thread you're posting in.
If you're deemed to be spamming you will be removed from the campaign.
Posts with less than 120 characters will not be counted as valid posts.
Participants with red trust score will not be accepted.
Multiple accounts are not allowed and will result in banning you from our campaign.
If you decide to leave the campaign your stakes will be cancelled.
How to participate :
Please fill in the attached google form: CLOSED
You can track your progress:
Campaign 2: Twitter
The number of tokens allocated within Twitter Campaign – 2 000 000 APH
Rates :
Followers RT Liked Tweet
250-1000 1 stakes 1 stakes
1001-3000 2 stakes 2 stakes
3001-5000 3 stakes 3 stakes
5001+ 5 stakes 5 stakes
Rules :
- This campaign is limited to 250 participants.
- Only twitter accounts with more than 250 followers will be allowed.
- RTs must be of the official Aphelion account other users tweets that are re-tweeted will not count.
- Only one RT and one liked tweet will be allowed daily.
- Do not RT and like tweets that are more than two weeks old.
- You must paste the links to your tweets in this thread before Friday 23:59pm with your twitter handle.
- We reserve the right to not consider your twitter account ineligible for this campaign, even if you meet the prerequisites.
- If at the end of the campaign, you tweeted more than 2000 times since your registration date, some of your retweets may not be counted. The same rule applies for likes.
How to participate :
Please fill out the attached google form: CLOSED
You can track your progress here:
Campaign 3: Facebook
The number of tokens allocated within Facebook Campaign – 1 600 000 APH
*FACEBOOK CAMPAIGN IS NOW CLOSED*Facebook Campaign Requirements:
The campaign is limited to 200 participants
Only users with at least 400 friends and followers can participate in Facebook Campaign
Users must follow Official Aphelion Facebook account
To participate in Facebook Bounty reward allocation, during ICO, users must make at least 10 reposts of Aphelion official account’s postings and write 10 posts about Aphelion project with #Aphelion hashtag and any image inserted
Only 1 like and 1 repost from 1 user per day are allowed
Users with a Negative trust status are not allowed to participate in Facebook Campaign
You must post the links to your likes / reposts in the thread before Friday’s cut off.
The number of friends you have when first applying to join the bounty campaign will be set for the duration.
If your facebook is not accessible to be viewed you will not be eligible for any stakes.
Rates :
Friends RePost Like
400-1000 1 stakes 1 stakes
1001-2000 2 stakes 2 stakes
2000+ 3 stakes 3 stakes
How to participate :
Please fill out the attached google form: CLOSED
You can track your progress here:
Campaign 4: Blog & Article:The number of tokens allocated within Blog & Article Campaign – 800 000 APH
Blog & Article Campaign Requirements:
-The campaign is limited to 100 participants
-Number of words in a blog post must exceed 500, and the post must contain at least 1 image
-The blog should exist for at least 1 month after the ICO
-Only unique content is permitted
-The blog post link must be submitted via the google form, it will be reviewed by the Aphelion Team before being accepted.
-The Aphelion Team makes the quality assessment of the post at their discretion
-The blog text must be applicable for indexing by search engines
-The blog post should contain at least 2 links to any of the following sources: Aphelion token sale, WP Aphelion, BitcoinTalk channel
-Blog posts can be submitted in Russian, English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean
ONE-TIME REWARDLow quality blog post 0 stake
Medium quality blog post 10 stakes
High quality blog post 20 stakes
Excellent quality blog post 30 stakes
To register for Blog & Article Bounty, please, fill in the google form: CLOSED
You can track your progress here:
Campaign 5: Reddit campaign
The number of tokens allocated within Blog & Article Campaign – 400 000 APH
Rates :
1 stake per upvote.
Rules :
This campaign is limited to 100 participants
Your Reddit share has to be made into a subreddit related to blockchain technology, crypto-currencies, finance, economy or laws. If not, your share will not be counted as valid and you will not receive any stake.
Once you have published your Reddit share, you have to fill the Google Form link, not before!
How to participate :
Fill this Google form: CLOSED and we hope you enjoy the campaign.
Ian Holtz (founder)