Hello everyone I want to introduce the idea of the Moin Movement League. The basic idea is to have a set of tasks people can do for points and at the end of every week we give away MOIN to the top 3 point holders. Reset the points for the next week and do it again.
We could use peoples help with right now is coming up with ideas for specific actions that people can take to receive hero points. In fact giving an idea for how people will receive hero points will get you 10 hero points.
Here are some ideas to get your gears turning:
10 HERO POINTS - Come up with new ways to earn Hero Points
5 HERO POINTS - Retweets relevant to Moin made within the last 7 days (not price reports).
10 HERO POINTS - Original tweets relevant to Moin made within the last 7 days
15 HERO POINTS - Creating a Moin graphic or meme
Hope to hear some great ideas!
Some moin links for the unaquainted: