Can I get regular cleanings? I would not want to give up sinning totally. Some of the sins are among my favorite pastimes.
Also, can I still visit hell when I'm dead? I have a lot of friends that I assume are going to hell. The parties they will throw there are going to be epic. I really don't want to miss out.
yes u can. if u give me enough coins i'll take them with me in visiting u in hell (and buy you a drink in there with coins).
Bars in hell accept bitcoins! Sweet. And they say you cant take it with you. Perhaps I can use BTC to get across the river Styx also? Hmm.
hmmm...i donno. i'm here just to resolve you from your sins. Repent sinner! Judgment day is near
I'll do you one better.
I will ABSOLVE you of your sins.
Please send your tax free contributions to this local branch of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to the address below.
Don't dare steal the Flying Spaghetti Monster's money!
The true address is 1F1yingSpaghettiMonsterFSMTYAStJ1A