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Author Topic: Segwit 2x warplan revealed by 2x insider [RED ALERT]  (Read 731 times)
Atomise (OP)
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October 28, 2017, 08:53:19 AM
Last edit: October 28, 2017, 09:04:39 AM by Atomise


**** It seems like their plan is already in place with Bcash rising in value !!! Although this could be a mere coincidence !
2X is nothing more than a hostile political takeover of BTC!!!

Turns out Chinese BTC community and reddit community differs a lot.
The article below is a translation of a hot article in I will try my best to keep its original meaning and, hopefully, help the cross-boarder community to understand each other, better.

======article starts here====== original link: written at: 2017-10-26
In this battle, we need to first understand the enemys and the friends. During the forking, BCC and 2X are all supported by "larger block" community. So they are allies. On the other hand, the Core and BTG are supporting small block size, so they are on the same side. Because BTG is so weak, we can regard this as "Romance of the Three Kindoms"(a famous Chinese historical fiction)
据说因为BCC和2X都是大区块,会在分叉的时候争夺算力,有人主张舍弃其中之一。因为BCC区块更大,并且2X被大区块支持者所反对的Segwit污染过,大部分大区块支持者认为应该抛弃2X,集中扶持BCC。而且这种选择在调查中表现得非常明显。貌似有理,其实是缺乏想象力。这也说明币圈中短视的人多,有战略远见的人少。我觉得这种人应该把三国演义读十遍。 在一场战争中首先抛弃自己的盟友而独自面对敌人是愚蠢而不可理喻的。而且在这次分叉中。2X才是主角,BCC虽然有很多优势,但还太年轻,先当当配角慢慢成长。 It seems that both BCC and 2X are all for large block size, so they will compete for hashrate, and some suggest to give up one of them. (A long logical reasoning here I don't want to translate.) Any way, 2X is the main actor here.
本次战斗,2X承担着抢夺BTC品牌的重任。而BCC因为已经有了名字,有很多投资者在先前抛掉了BCC。BCC想直接上位树敌太多,难度太大。BCC在一开始就定位为保留中本聪思想的火种,以防NYA没有得到执行。在决战没有失败之前,没有道理先启用备份方案。 In this battle, the goal for 2X is to "seize" the brand for BTC. And since BCC already its name, it's hard for invester to accept it (as BTC). BCC is just a backup, incase NYA is not executed as espected. So there is no reason to use the backup before we lose the battle.
因为夺取BTC品牌。其价值远远大于BCC价格大幅拉升,短期来看,只有1X和2X有资格染指BTC品牌。BCC成功的道路还很漫长。而本次分叉之战,却有毕其功于一役的机会,战略上来说没有道理舍近求远。万一2X方案失败,再启动BCC上位也不迟。本来两场战斗,只胜一场即可。如果预先就放弃其中一次战斗,就降低了一半的大区块理想的成功率。 Seizing the brand of BTC is far more valuable than boosting BCC's price. (To lazy to translate)
当真正分叉的时候,如何避免这两种大区块的算力争夺呢?方案还是有的。 How to prevent BCC and 2X from wasting hashrate during the battle. There are ways.
BCC和2X要分工协作,吸引不同的算力。BCC负责吸引追逐短期挖矿利润的矿工。2X负责活下来并快速出快,并且让1X无法出块或者出快很慢。必要时可以采取一切技术手段。这样就把中间派争取过来了,化敌为友,大大提高了2X胜出的几率 我们可以做个精确的预案. BCC and 2X need to to cooperate: 1) BCC should be in charge of attracting miners who wants short-term profits; while 2) 2X does its best to suvive and create new blocks (and prevent 1X(he mean BTC) from creating new blocks or in a very slow speed). If necessary, we can try any (dirty) technical method (I indicate it as dust attack), to mislead the swinging 3rd party. More details of the plan is as follow:
11.13: Start BCC hard fork, the goal is to change the EDA mining difficulty, so that BCC mining difficulty could be adjust more smoothly.
11.14: Complete BCC hard fork, and keep BCC vs BTC mining difficulty at a low ratio, 0.04-0.07, which makes it easier to boost the BCC price.
11.15: Increase BCC price gradually, so as to attract more peaople mine BCC rather than BTC.
11.16: keep boosting BCC price. (I guess is similar to yesterday, to reduce the hashrate of BTC)
11.17-18: Almost the same as previously. Keep make fewer people mining BTC.
11.19: When 2x hard fork starts. Strongly boosting BCC price, so as to make sure only hardliners remain in BTC. At the same time, apply dust attack on BTC and make sure it's super hard to create new blocks. In extreme case, it might "lost coins". It's almost sure that there would be panic sell at this moment, so that the price of BTC would drops. 2X would also drops, however, its aleady in a low range, and if valued in BTC, its value should increase. The goal is to make mining BTC less profitable.
11.20 and comming week: keep mining 2X, and make sure its insainly slow to mine new BTC blocks. (Assuming the Core switch POW to POS, hard to translate).
11.22 All NYA supporter claim that "We are real BTC." Urging all exchanges to accept 2X as the "Real BTC".
(Words about it might make people confuse about when two groups of people claiming themselves as "real BTC", but it does not matter. This is what BTC should come through, and future is "Bright")
11月13日,BCC启动硬分叉,目标是修改EDA挖矿难度算法,使得BCC挖矿难度的调整更加连续平滑。 14日,BCC硬分差完成。BCC对比BTC的难度系数应该保持在一个较低的水平,0.04-0.07之间比较适合。因为这样拉升价格的成本最低。 15日。在交易市场逐渐拉升BCC的价格。使得挖BCC的利润逐渐高于挖BTC。吸引没有明确立场、单纯逐利的矿工转向挖取BCC。 16日,继续拉升BCC的价格。并加快BCC的挖矿速度,因为出块太快,BCC的挖矿难度系数会增加。如果想吸引这些浮动的矿工,就必须继续拉升BCC的价格,使得挖BCC比挖BTC有更高的利润。留住并吸引更多的矿工来挖BCC。 17-18日继续保持以上策略,并且让矿工、比特币用户、比特币投资者都知晓这样的策略。这样会促进市场加大BCC的买盘。拉升BCC价格的代价会更小。 就是为什么要提前三天拉升BCC价格的原因。因为策略从实施并广为人知需要时间。 19日,从分叉正式开始的时间算起,BCC开始一波强劲的拉升。吸引所有愿意挖BCC的人都不离开,分散算力。结果是只剩下1X和2X的坚定支持算力去各自挖矿。坚定支持大区块的算力,分出其中其中保证BCC的上述策略能够稳步实施。其他的全部算力都去挖2X,同时发动适度强度的粉尘攻击。兵者凶也,谁都不愿意打仗。要打仗就必须要打赢,采取一切有利于赢的策略。不要受道德绑架,比特币不需要道德。比特币需要的是强壮、稳定和快速。 这时候1X出块会非常难,出块速度会很慢,并且可能会出现丢币。市场应该出现恐慌。BT1的价格会急速下滑。BT2的价格当然也会降低。但因为BT2价格本来已经很低,下降的幅度应该有限。如果按照占比特币权重来计算。BT2反而应该明显上升;‌这样,挖2X的矿工的亏损会减少。 算力攻击不需要用力过猛,保证1X出块很慢即可,最重要的是持续足够长的时间。如果有多余的算力,可以拿一部分出来挖BT1,挖出来就在市场上抛,进一步打压BT1的价格。补贴挖2X的损失。 ‌在后面的一个星期或更长的时间内,‌保持1X出块速度很慢,打击1X支持者的信心。比特币在这个期间的使用体验会很差,比特币的总价会持续下跌,其中BT1的部分会下降得更快。这就会‌逼迫Core核心小组更改1X的挖矿算法。如果这种,1X的算法已经完全不兼容以前的矿机。这就导致事实上Core核心小组已经改变了BT1,而这样的改变将使其自动脱离比特币社群的认同。极端情况下,有可能逼迫BT1改为POS. ‌22日,2X稳定出块,并且挖矿难度明显高于1X。而1X出块极其缓慢,挖矿难度明显低于2X,这样已经持续三天了。‌所有坚定支持NYA的矿场和交易所以及其他相关团体正式宣布:根据中本聪主张的难度以及区块高度原则,认定2X是BTC。并敦促所有的交易所支持这个事实。这一步骤必须要有,大区块派在宣传上比起善于社会化营销的Core核心小组要差很多,必须补这一课。 支持1X的群体当然不会认可,所以‌在这个时间段内会引起BTC品牌混淆和账面经济损失。但这是必经的阶段,是因为Core核心小组的固执带给比特币圈不得不承受的痛苦。‌那么,让我们勇敢地承受它。等这一切都结束。比特币的价格会一骑绝尘。‌短时间的损失对老韭菜来说,都不过是家常便饭而已。 最重要的是经过这次战役,‌比特币重新获得了发展的自由。自由之物终归自由。
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October 28, 2017, 09:05:31 AM

Who exactly has written this?

Ah yeah.
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October 28, 2017, 09:20:27 AM


**** It seems like their plan is already in place with Bcash rising in value !!! Although this could be a mere coincidence !
2X is nothing more than a hostile political takeover of BTC!!!

Turns out Chinese BTC community and reddit community differs a lot.
The article below is a translation of a hot article in I will try my best to keep its original meaning and, hopefully, help the cross-boarder community to understand each other, better.

Sounds REAL, folks need to understand the ppl in NYC/NYA are the same as the kosher-nostra in Shanghai-China, while BTC may have came out of crypto-anarchy, the RICH CHINA/NYC people have decided to CO-OPT the bitch, and this how you do it by triangulation,

They are absolutely correct, the MOST important thing about BTC is the 'brand', and that is what they want, they can pull BCC, BSEG, or BTG out of their ass forever, but they'll never own the brand unless they steal it or destroy it.

No accident that all the whore houses in ASIA & VEGAS & MACAU & DUBAI are all owned by the same guy, Sheldon Adelson #1 Trump contributor.

No accident that NYA wants to keep controlling money, just like Shanghai control's money in China, and the Whore-House people know that "Dark-Money", secret money is the future of the whore-house business. Where their customers can have privacy.

It's win-win for all and lose-lose for BTC crypto-anarchy libertarians like Satoshi.
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October 28, 2017, 09:26:35 AM

Who exactly has written this?

OP posted the chinese site, can't bots translate??

Chrome (Google) can translate for you, this is normal chinese stuff, they're smart, and they're not playing the game like an idiot dumb white trash guy, they're playing for real to win.

Everybody in China wants to be RICH, while everybody in USA just wants to get laid or stoned.

I'm fluent in Chinese, so if folks here really don't think this is real, ask, ... more than glad to help white idiots understand that they're being fucked.

Note also again, NYA is NYC, which is Kosher-Nostra, and when they decide to CO-OPT the BITCOIN-BRAND, its game-over.

The only way this war can be won is to say FUCK YOU  to Forks, but sadly the MAJORITY of BTC is dumb as a rock, look at BTG,

Bring out your BTC from cold-storage and get your free BTG, you dumb sheep, and guess what it worked, and now they'll make you lazy and you will soon just leave your BTC in these ASIAN exchanges and BOOM one morning you will wake up with nothing.

Make no mistake the kosher-nostra wants it all, they let you mine it, now they're going to take it, but they're going set it up, so that you GAVE IT TO THEM, and then you can't even call that theft.

Just DUMB,
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October 28, 2017, 09:34:30 AM

Who exactly has written this?

GONG LI CHONG ( his name U asked ) who wrote this

In a battle, the first to distinguish between friends and foes, in this battle of bifurcation, BCC and 2X are supported by the blockbuster, so they are allies; the other ally is Core Core Development Group and BTG On behalf of the community block. But BTG is too weak, basically can be seen as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
It is said that because BCC and 2X are large blocks, will compete in the bifurcation when calculating power, some people claim to abandon one of them. Because the BCC block is larger and 2X is contaminated by Segwit, which is opposed by large block supporters , most of the block supporters believe that 2X should be abandoned and the BCC should be centrally supported . And this choice in the survey was very obvious . Seemingly reasonable, in fact, is the lack of imagination. This also shows that people in the circle of short-sighted, there are fewer strategic vision. I think this kind of person should read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
It is foolish and unreasonable to first abandon your allies in a war and face the enemy alone. And in this bifurcation. 2X is the protagonist, BCC although there are many advantages, but still too young, the first supporting role slowly grow up.
The battle, 2X bear the responsibility of grabbing the BTC brand. The BCC because there is already a name, there are many investors in the previous throw away the BCC. BCC would like to directly host the enemy too much, too difficult. BCC in the beginning to locate the retention of the burning ideas in the fire, to prevent NYA has not been implemented. Before the battle did not fail, there was no reason to start the backup program first.
Because to win the BTC brand. Its value is far greater than the BCC prices rose sharply in the short term, only 1X and 2X are eligible to encroach on the BTC brand. BCC's success is still long. And this bifurcation of the war, but have the opportunity to complete the battle, the strategy is not unreasonable far away. If the 2X program fails, then start BCC upper bit too late. Originally two games, only wins a game can be. If you give up one of the fighting in advance, it reduces the success rate of half of the block.
When the real bifurcation, how to avoid these two large blocks of the power of competition for it? Program or some.
BCC and 2X to division of labor to attract different computing power. BCC is responsible for attracting miners who chase short-term mining profits. 2X is responsible for living and fast fast, and let 1X can not be out of the block or very fast. If necessary, can take all technical means. So that the middle faction to fight over, the enemy is a friend, greatly improving the chance of winning 2X
We can make a precise plan.
November 13, BCC start hard bifurcation, the goal is to modify the EDA mining difficulty algorithm, making the BCC mining difficulty adjustment more continuous smooth.
14 , BCC hard points difference to complete. BCC contrast BTC difficulty coefficient should be maintained at a lower level, 0.04-0.07 between the more appropriate. Because the cost of pulling up the price is the lowest.
15 days. In the trading market gradually pulled up the price of BCC. Making the profits of digging BCC gradually higher than digging BTC. Attracting a clear position, simply profit the miners to divert BCC.
16 , continue to pull up the price of BCC. And to speed up the mining rate of BCC, because the block is too fast, BCC mining difficulty coefficient will increase. If you want to attract these floating miners, you must continue to pull up the price of BCC, making the BCC dig BTC has a higher profit. Keep and attract more miners to dig BCC.
17 - 18 to continue to maintain the above strategy, and let miners, Bitcoin users, Bit Coin investors are aware of this strategy. This will promote the market to increase BCC buying. Pull up the price of BCC will be less expensive.
Is why three days in advance to pull up the reasons for BCC prices. Because the strategy from the implementation and widely known takes time.
On the 19th , BCC started a wave of strong pulls from the beginning of the fork. Attract all willing to dig BCC people do not leave, decentralized. The result is only 1X and 2X firm support to calculate their own mining. Firmly support the power of large blocks, which one of the BCC to ensure that the strategy can be implemented steadily. The other all the power to dig 2X, while launching moderate intensity of the dust attack. Soldiers are fierce, who do not want to fight. To fight must win, take all the strategy to win. Do not be kidnapped by morality, do not need morality. Bitcores need to be strong, stable and fast.
At this time 1X block will be very difficult, the block speed will be very slow, and may appear to lose money. The market should panic. BT1 prices will decline rapidly. BT2 prices will certainly be reduced. But because BT2 prices have been very low, the decline should be limited. If calculated according to the weight of the occupied poles. BT2 should be significantly increased; so, digging 2X miners will reduce the loss.
Force attack does not need to force too much to ensure that 1X block is very slow, the most important thing is to last long enough time. If there is excess effort, you can take part of the dig out BT1, dug out on the market throw, and further suppress the price of BT1. Subsidy dug 2X loss.
In the back of a week or longer, keep 1X out of the block is very slow, to combat the confidence of 1X supporters. Bitcoin's experience in this period will be poor, the total price of Bitcoin will continue to fall, of which BT1 part will drop faster. This will force the Core core team to change the mining algorithm 1X. If this is the case, the 1X algorithm has been completely incompatible with the previous mine. This leads to the fact that the Core core team has changed BT1, and this change will make it automatically out of the coin community identity. In extreme cases, it is possible to force BT1 to be changed to POS.
22 , 2X stable out of the block, and mining difficulty was significantly higher than 1X. And 1X block is extremely slow, mining difficulty was significantly lower than 2X, this has been for three days. All mines and exchanges that support NYA are officially announced: 2X is the BTC, according to the difficulty of the board and the height of the block. And urges all exchanges to support this fact. This step must be, the blockbuster in the propaganda than good at social marketing Core Core Group is much worse, must make up this lesson.
Support for the 1X group will certainly not be recognized, so in this period of time will cause BTC brand confusion and book economic losses. But this is the necessary stage, because the Core core group of stubborn to give the bitbell circle had to bear the pain. Well, let us bravely bear it. Wait for it all over. The price of the bitcover will be a ride away. Short time for the loss of the old leeks, are nothing but commonplace only.
The most important thing is that after this battle, Bitcoin regains freedom of development. The freedom is free.

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October 28, 2017, 09:45:14 AM


**** It seems like their plan is already in place with Bcash rising in value !!! Although this could be a mere coincidence !
2X is nothing more than a hostile political takeover of BTC!!!

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I can see this because BTG BITCOIN-GOLD has already done this, they don't support the legacy block-chain, theyre 2MB they don't read 1MB blocks, so its not really a "FORK", its truly a DUAL Bifurication, at the same time to forks in a road split into a path that doesn't allow legacy bitcoin to in reverse or forward,

So these aren't really forks, but they're really "derailers", that put the entire BITCOIN block-chain into crisis, this and the replay problems should make it impossible to correct also, given that the new "FORKS" don't even use the same data-structures.

So the new forks can tell the sorry BITCOIN people whoops, if you want your money back, you will have to JOIN US, which means as they wish, everybody goes to B2SEG, some can stay with BCC, and of course BTG(bitcoin cash) is just bullshit, but it was allowed to muddy the waters and get people conditioned to "REPLAY" ( double spending and double use of private keys, with no recourse to return to legacy bitcoin ).

BTG will get people furious, but then when B2SEG comes out people will accept getting fucked and accept that BITCOIN is dead, so NYA gets the BRAND, and B2SEG becomes the new chain, and all is owned by NYC&SHANGHAI,

Not bad, not bad at all.

ANother great chinese quote in there
is "Little people don't deserve to own BITCOIN, its was meant to be controlled and owned by the Gods".
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October 28, 2017, 10:28:48 AM

Who exactly has written this?

One last comment and I bail, all need to understand that Chinese is Tao the "way" and the way don't include you,

Satoshi was Zen Buddhism, and night&dad to the pigs' of ASIA ( chinese ),

Chienese already owned +80% of BTC, so it doesn't really matter, they own it, they do as they wish, and if that includes dissaociating white trash of their BTC, so be it.

It's clear that the majority of the ppl running BTC CORE don't represent the white-west, they have clearly sold out BTC,

Well its good that Zen&Ethereum exist for the west, perhaps that's how this will end, ironically for the Chinese to get stuck with SHA256 (NSA), I wonder how long before they dump that bitch??

Crypto_-Currency is the future, I truly believe in SATOSHI Dream and I wish all you assholes would go create your own ctrypto from scratch,

But as this article (Plan) makes clear its not the code they want or the blockchain/merkel tree, they just want the BRAND, cuz NYC gives the orders and  Chinese in Shanghai are owned by  the Kosher-Nostra.
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October 28, 2017, 10:42:52 AM

Absolutely ridiculous claim they're trying to make saying they're the real BTC. They're are not, they do not have the community backing them which is really the biggest part of Bitcoin. 

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October 28, 2017, 10:47:29 AM

Any fork that doesn't represent the user benefit won't be supported by the community. If mining power can be organised to alter the direction of bitcoin chain, then the BTC is dead already. BTC needs to have a community mechanism that represents all BTC owner's voice not even single organisation should control the direction even blockstream. I don't know what the outcome of 2x fork will be but it will be guaranteed a mess for everyone.
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All I know is that I know nothing.

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October 28, 2017, 10:54:18 AM

It seems like their plan is already in place with Bcash rising in value !!! Although this could be a mere coincidence !

this has been the plan all along, i don't think all this article is true and i am doubtful about the "insider" thing too. but there has never been any doubt about bitcoin cash pumping the price because of bitcoin's upcoming SegWit2x thing.

it was even speculated multiple times by traders.
you know this is not a new thing to happen in this world either. just this year about 7-9 months ago the same so called "insiders" from Dash community said they have been behind the spam attack on bitcoin and as expected Dash and ETH and a couple of other altcoins were the ones that benefited from that spam attack and their pumping motto was "we will replace bitcoin because it is slow".

the same thing is happening today and will happen again the future.

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October 28, 2017, 11:04:35 AM

That seems to be a master plan.So,its the same group of members who execute both BCC and segwit 2x but in different names.What a planning to replace bitcoin.

Another important point to be noted is that all the miners who support BCC has already said that they had signed the NYA and they would support segwit 2x if activated.

So,still the chinese are in the game and this time planning for a big strike.

Your assumption seems logical that instead of boosting the BCC price,just devaluing the brand BTC is enough for them.
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October 28, 2017, 11:38:14 AM

Absolutely ridiculous claim they're trying to make saying they're the real BTC. They're are not, they do not have the community backing them which is really the biggest part of Bitcoin. 

The strategy should be for these people to believe their own Bullshit and for them to dump more money into it. I am waiting

for them to boost the price, before I take their money and run. I will dump all these crap fork coins and buy BTC with it. It is

easy to see when they are pumping these crap coins.... So just wait for the pump and dump the crap. Their strategy will

backfire, just watch.  Grin Grin Grin

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October 28, 2017, 12:07:10 PM

All this reduces to is to expect dust attack against BTC and coordinated pump and dump schemes in the weeks following 2x.

That's the hostile takeover that people have sensed already.

It's a good point that the battle is over control of the "BTC" brand, currently worth over a hundred billion.

As for NYA, I wouldn't trust ANYTHING coming out of NY.
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October 28, 2017, 12:24:23 PM

That's really fucked up. I picture forks as money trees waiting to be picked up by anyone who has the equipment to do so. Also, I noticed that more and more exchanges are pledging their support on recent forks, which makes me think that there would be a hack that's brewing who's targeting lazy people who doesn't want to do the hassle on claiming their own share of the fork. I guess now it makes sense: the recent forks are orchestrated plans on conditioning the minds of the general public that they'll get more money whenever some group wants to create their version of bitcoin when in reality it's another fiend hiding in the dark waiting to grab these people in the arm if they don't proceed with the slightest bit of caution.

 Crypto Marketing Agency
By AB de Royse

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October 28, 2017, 08:20:07 PM

Absolutely ridiculous claim they're trying to make saying they're the real BTC. They're are not, they do not have the community backing them which is really the biggest part of Bitcoin. 

The strategy should be for these people to believe their own Bullshit and for them to dump more money into it. I am waiting

for them to boost the price, before I take their money and run. I will dump all these crap fork coins and buy BTC with it. It is

easy to see when they are pumping these crap coins.... So just wait for the pump and dump the crap. Their strategy will

backfire, just watch.  Grin Grin Grin

I am with you. But how exactly is it easy to spot the pumps?

Ah yeah.
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October 28, 2017, 08:49:55 PM

Wow they are a real bastards, i have never trusted in 2x fork, but i know that i am going to receive free tokens so i am satisfied with that. Anyway, they are going to destroy bitcoin if it happens, i dont think that the whole community will tolerate this.. But from where have you took this? we dont have any sources to prove that this is real and not any other fud that appears before every fork.
I have always knew that segwitx2 was a bullshit.
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October 28, 2017, 10:12:11 PM

It's clear the chinese are MF's. Hopefully they screw themselves this way. I don't give a shit about them.
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October 28, 2017, 10:53:43 PM

It's pretty naive to believe everything that's posted on Reddit or another dubious forum. I could also post my "masterplan" there Grin Or some big blocker could post "Blockstream's evil masterplan". Would you believe that?

It's even possible that this is really the plan of some hardcore big blocker, but not of the whole NYA group.

And the translation is really bad, sorry.

I am not supporting Segwit2x anymore, but not because of these conspiracy theories. It's because its success probability is extremely low and Bitcoin would suffer the loss of manpower if most Core developers leave it. So it's rational to support Core, for now - and keep your private keys from the fork date until Core has definitively won.

But it's not that easy after a hard fork to "take over" the coin. Core could simply post a 2x compatible client and then continue with their own roadmap (accepting grudgingly the 2x/8MB weight limit), as I wrote here.



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October 29, 2017, 01:17:15 AM

It's pretty naive to believe everything that's posted on Reddit or another dubious forum. I could also post my "masterplan" there Grin Or some big blocker could post "Blockstream's evil masterplan". Would you believe that?

It's even possible that this is really the plan of some hardcore big blocker, but not of the whole NYA group.

And the translation is really bad, sorry.

I am not supporting Segwit2x anymore, but not because of these conspiracy theories. It's because its success probability is extremely low and Bitcoin would suffer the loss of manpower if most Core developers leave it. So it's rational to support Core, for now - and keep your private keys from the fork date until Core has definitively won.

But it's not that easy after a hard fork to "take over" the coin. Core could simply post a 2x compatible client and then continue with their own roadmap (accepting grudgingly the 2x/8MB weight limit), as I wrote here.

Why do you create doubt? Do you have an agenda?

This is NOT from Reddit this is from, which is owned by BEIJING INNOVATIVE LINKAGE TECHNOLOGY, who own most of the online BTC websites in China.

This is the real deal, not a conspiracy, do you work the GOV?? Is that why you drop the CIA "conspiracy" tag? Note this was posted on a public chinese BTC site, it was not posted as a conspiracy, it was posted  as their public plan to take-over BTC.

Now the Chinese already own BTC, given they mine +80%, so in their minds, they're just trying to kill that pesky 20% that irritating them, they want the full 100% and want nothing to do with the 'little people', they want BTC to be a rich mans currency in CHina for the Gods.


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Jr. Member
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October 29, 2017, 01:36:55 AM

It's pretty naive to believe everything that's posted on Reddit or another dubious forum. I could also post my "masterplan" there Grin Or some big blocker could post "Blockstream's evil masterplan". Would you believe that?

It's even possible that this is really the plan of some hardcore big blocker, but not of the whole NYA group.

And the translation is really bad, sorry.

I am not supporting Segwit2x anymore, but not because of these conspiracy theories. It's because its success probability is extremely low and Bitcoin would suffer the loss of manpower if most Core developers leave it. So it's rational to support Core, for now - and keep your private keys from the fork date until Core has definitively won.

But it's not that easy after a hard fork to "take over" the coin. Core could simply post a 2x compatible client and then continue with their own roadmap (accepting grudgingly the 2x/8MB weight limit), as I wrote here.

Why do you create doubt? Do you have an agenda?

This is NOT from Reddit this is from, which is owned by BEIJING INNOVATIVE LINKAGE TECHNOLOGY, who own most of the online BTC websites in China.

This is the real deal, not a conspiracy, do you work the GOV?? Is that why you drop the CIA "conspiracy" tag? Note this was posted on a public chinese BTC site, it was not posted as a conspiracy, it was posted  as their public plan to take-over BTC.

Now the Chinese already own BTC, given they mine +80%, so in their minds, they're just trying to kill that pesky 20% that irritating them, they want the full 100% and want nothing to do with the 'little people', they want BTC to be a rich mans currency in CHina for the Gods.


Domain Name: 8BTC.COM
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 633
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Name Server: NS1.EDONG.COM
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Updated Date: 08-jan-2015
Creation Date: 23-aug-2011
Expiration Date: 23-aug-2017

Regardless if it is true or not, it is just speculation right now. Claiming it is fact just makes it looks like Bitcoin Core supporters are irrational. No need to give B2X supporters more tools for their arsenal. Besides, major players are making efforts to ensure that the brand stays the way it is.
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